Time Traveling like a Pro

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Ghostinnit floated down the stairs to the portal that had appeared this morning. Techno was staring at the portal, Examining it to see how it appeared, though it seems that he's been unsuccessful.

"Can I go in Techie?" Ghostinnit asked curiously. Ghostbur was sitting in the chair next to Techno. "Yeah! Can we go in?" He asks. Philza walks in the room, hearing this. "How about we all go in?" Phil suggests. "Yeah!" Ghostinnit and Ghostbur exclaim, excited. Techno was hesitant, but agreed. So Ghostinnit volunteered to go in first.

Ghostinnit jumps in the portal and all of the sudden he appears in the sky. He starts falling and lands on the ground with a splat. Of course, he wasn't harmed physically, but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt anyways.

"My SpLEeN!" Tommy cries out dramatically as Techno, Ghostbur and Phil arrive.

Tommy got up and they look around to see some people.

Those people are...

They are their past selves. They're in the past.

"Uh, Hello?" Ghostbur says, more like a question though. "WHAT THE-" Past Tommy starts, but then gets cut off by past wil. "Hello there, and, um, Who might you be?" Wilbur asks, addressing ghostbur.

"Oh! I'm ghostbur! And this is Ghostinnit!" Ghostbur shouts excitedly, pointing to Ghostinnit.
Although aliveinnit is really loud, Ghostinnit is really shy around new people. Ghostinnit was hiding behind ghostbur, although it was kinda hard ya know, cuz he's a ghost and all. So that was unsuccessful.

"Wait, did you say Ghostinnit and Ghostbur?" Tommy asked. "Yep! We're from the future!" Ghostbur exclaims in a happy tone.

All of the people from the past look in shock. "Alright Ghostbur, That's enough talking for now" Phil declares. "Awww, Okay dad" Ghostbur sighs. "Wait, dad?" Wilbur Exclaims, "Philza's my dad?!"

Ghostinnit stares at his past self, suddenly sad again. He starts turning darker and darker. He does this when he goes into a depressive episode. Techno runs over as everyone other than philza and ghostbur gets confused and concerned. "Hey! Hey!" Techno tries to get Ghostinnits attention. Philza runs over and comforts Ghostinnit. Tommy just looks confused and asks "was that a depressive episode?"

Everyone stares at him wondering why he knows what one of those are. "Yeah... It was" Phil informs.

"So, How did I die?" Tommy asks. "Ask Ghostinnit Yourself" Techno stares at dream, menacingly.

"How did you die Ghostinnit?" Tommy asks.

"I... I commit suicide by jumping off a pillar of dirt I made"



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