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Ertugrul rolled the final papers and rounded up the works. His face turned towards the table served with hot food. The plate of juicy pastrami took his eyes.

I don't want to eat this pastrami.

"Why Gunduz? What's wrong with this Pastrami?" Halime asked surprised.

"Nothing. I just don't want to eat it."
Gunduz squirmed.

"Uff... But you wanted to be an Alp, how would you train your alps too, if you won't eat this. You know it will give you energy." Halime tried to butter him.

"Oh really? Will it give me energy?" His little eyes widened.

"Yes, ofcourse my boy."

Gunduz smiled.

"Ok then, I will eat." Gunduz immediately agreed.

Halime giggled silently while Ertugrul kept admiring them with a silent smile.


Hayme's call snapped Ertugrul out of his thoughts. He looked at her standing on left side of his shoulder.

"Yes Ana?" He replied.

"You ok?" Hayme asked seeing him lost.

"Yes ofcourse." Giving a simple reply he stood, and they settled for the dinner.

After dinner.

"May I enter Bey?" Turgut asked for permission.

"Come in Turgut."

Turgut came inside and greeted Ertugrul. His face had worried expressions. Ertugrul saw him.

"Bey... Halime Sultan..."

Ertugrul got immediately alert.

"What about Halime Turgut?"  He stood up from Beylic chair. Turgut looked down.

"Turgut!" Ertugrul snapped him. Turgut looked at him again.

"Bey, we lost Halime Sultan's track. We were following her... but she was gone." Turgut's statement left Ertugrul speechless.

"The footprints were erased after sometimes near mountains and when we understood that she might have gone to another direction, it was too late. Still we searched, but didn't found her." Turgut said in quite low voice.

"Ahh!!" Ertugrul tightly shut his eyes in disappointed and crumbled the paper hard in frustration without caring what it was.

"Ahh Halime Ahh!! What are you upto now! You knew I was going to send them after you and you now don't want me to know where you are!" Ertugrul muttered to herself with slight teeth greeting.

"Huh!" He sighed tiredly and thought of any possible thing.

Turgut didn't kept his eyes on Ertugrul and inverted them. He knew some things unexpectedly going wrong, but never dared to question. Not because he needs to be scared, but because he knew Ertugrul is mostly a private person.

"Did you enquired into some caravansaries around there?" Ertugrul asked Turgut which made him look back at his face again.

"No bey." He simply answered.

"You and Abdurrahman go and look around there. Thoroughly enquire into each an every caravansary neat mountains and borders. I anyhow want to know Halime's location. Do you get that?"   Ertugrul strictly ordered him.

"Yes bey! As you order." Turgut left after greeting.

Ertugrul shut closed his eyes with a force and dropped himself back on the Beylic chair with a deep sigh.

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