Chapter 7: Let's Go Halfsies

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And when I looked up at him, I had to suck a deep breath, realizing how close we were. In a perfect position to kiss.

If I were to stand on my tiptoes or if he were to bend down a little, one of us could steal a kiss. But that was a line I definitely wasn't going to cross, no matter how tempted I was.

Dancing together was as far as we would go. Having ten inches of distance between each other was as close we would get. That was the reality of our current relationship.


"I cannot believe how a human can be so awful at dancing! What's so hard about it?" I almost shrieked when we were out of the studio.

"Hey, not everyone is gifted at such a useless thing," Wyatt retorted.

"Choreographers and professional dancers make a ton of money annually with what you call useless," I taunted.

"Whatever." He heaved a sigh. "That was torture."

"Oh, really?" I stopped walking and put my hands on my hips. "What about me? How many times did you step on my foot? And how many times did you almost drop me?"

He also stopped walking and turned to look at me. "Well, at least, I didn't actually drop you."

I shot him daggers through my eyes. "You'd be dead if you did."

He laughed, and I glared at him harder. He immediately covered it up, disguising it with a cough.

I frowned and twisted my lips upwards. I bumped his shoulder intentionally and started walking at a brisk pace.

Wyatt easily kept up, walking beside me silently.

It was unbearably awkward as it had been all day.

The silence remained uncomfortable until I received a text from Ara, saying she and Theo were also done with their lessons and all four of us should have dinner together. Along with that, she sent a restaurant location. Basically, no way to turn it down.

I frowned once again and slipped my phone back into my white shorts pocket.

"So we are having dinner together," Wyatt said, also putting his phone back in his pocket, probably reading his text from Theo.

I nodded.

"The restaurant is a little far. I can drive you there."

"Did I ask you for help?" The last thing I needed was to rely on my ex-boyfriend to drive me to a hangout.

"No, but I'm offering it as a gentleman—"

"Well, I'm declining your offer like a gentle lady. While I might not be as rich as you to own four expensive cars, I can afford a cab." I flashed him a tight-lipped smile and entered the hotel lobby.

"Even so, won't it be a waste of money to get a cab when we are heading to the same location?" he reasoned.

I pressed the elevator button and crossed my arms. "It's my money. I decide whether to waste it or save it."

Before he could speak up, the elevator door opened and we both entered. He released a sigh and finally said, "Fine. Do whatever you want."

"That's better," I said triumphantly, though I felt strangely suspicious of his sudden admission of defeat.


I was waiting for my cab outside the hotel, dressed up in a simple white crop top and blue jeans.

It was really hot, even for a June night.

Maybe I should have gone with my denim shorts. What a pain.

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