Split family

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What's going on? Said the confused pink bunny. She and her brother were being carried out of the room they were occupying straight into another in the back of the restaurant.

You are our mom right? Asked the blue bunny.

Y-yes... The larger, sky blue bunny straighted herself out. Sorry about that it's just... You're really here...

Y-yeah.. why wouldn't we be? Bonbon asked with a confused look.

Was that purple bunny our father? Bonnet interjected before Toy Bonnie could speak.

Instead of a voice answering their question, silence filled the room instead. Toy Bonnie took some time trying to figure out what to say, especially in front of her own children.

Well... You see... Toy Bonnie started before she started struggling to explain what was going on. He's just... Untrustworthy.

Why? Asks Bonnet.

...Did you kids ever wonder why you weren't with us before? Toy Bonnie struggled to let out.

Yes... Did something happen between you and dad to cause that? Bonbon asks with a worried look.

...He gave you two away without talking to me about it... Without making sure it was possible for your survival... Toy Bonnie held herself together. Missing the years of watching you grow up...

The twins were shocked by their mothers behavior. They heard she was usually hard to get and troublesome, but seeing her as a completely different person baffled them.

Well... We're fine and here now. Bonbon stated. So that means everything's better, right?

Toy Bonnie didn't want to answer that, but knowing they're her own kids they'll try to get an answer out. Sorry but... It's not possible... She muttered.

The kids heard that with their hope for a family they've always wanted fell. They didn't want to give up hope however. But it won't work as there's an obvious grudge held against them.

Suddenly a knock was heard on the door. Hey, is anyone in there? Said a familiar voice.

Oh! Uh... I'll be out in a bit Freddy! Said Toy Bonnie as she fixes herself.

Oh it's just you. Be ready. Inspection will be soon. The bear leaves the unknown family situation.

Before Toy Bonnie stepped out the door she turned to her children. For now, keep all of this a secret.

The kids became confused. Why? They asked in union.

Because this would just cause drama for everyone and I don't need that right now. So don't talk about any of this and don't mention anything about you two being my children.

...It's almost like you're ashamed of us being your children... Bonnet said with a sad tone.

The light blue bunny jolted with immediate regret of her own words. No no no! It's not that! It's really because I don't want to cause trouble to anyone! Especially with the problem I have with your father.

Oh... But for how long? The darker blue bunny asks with a sad look.

I don't know... But I promise I won't great you kids as mistakes or total strangers around others. In fact, I'll be more as your role model.

Isn't that the what you're supposed to do? Bonnet pointed out.

Yes but I'll have a lot to do. Toy Bonnie pets her kids head. Now let's go back to the stages. She finally leaves the room with the kids following her. It was going fine at first until...

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