Chapter 1

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Hey people! Here I am, starting a new story! Well, it is not about ballet but modern dance. And it's not about Zayn Malik, but Luke Hemmings. In the begining of every chapter it is going to be a picture of my outfit (like Eva_Payne_). Hope you like it!

Luke's pov

Im just saying
Oh oh oh oh
Im just saying
Im just saying goodbye

We sang the last lyric and we all took a deep breath. We were very tired because we were at the recording studio all day. We all got out and there was Adam clapping.

"Great job guys! So, I need to talk to you about something."

"What is it?" Ashton asked

"Your tour is in two months and I have decided that I want you to dance more."

"Eemm Adam, don't you think that we are going to look...silly?" Michael asked.

"No! Okay, you are not going to dance all the time. Just a few dancing moves. And I hired one of the best dancers in the city to teach you!"

"A dance teacher?" I aked.

"Well, she is not a teacher yet. She is a studend in the Sydney dance academy. She is also learining ballet, tango, latin and release but she is going to teach you modern dance."

"And why didn't you hired a professional dancer?" Calum asked.

"Because she is my cousin's daughter and I have seen her dancing. She is amazing and I think she is going to do a very good job. She is going to be here soon." Adam said.

Lilly's pov

I was watching TV still with my PJ's on and I looked at my watch. I have plenty of time to get ready!

I had a shower and then I wore a blue t-shirt and a pair of black jeans. I dried my hair and brushed them. I painted my nails in a blue color matching my shirt and I wore a black-white bracelete and an arrow ring. I put black mascara and some lip gloss. I wore my blue converse and I took my black purse.

I am walking to the recording studio. My dad's cousin has hire me to teach 5 seconds of summer how to dance. I am kind of nervous because....I don't know. Their famous! And they might won't like me. And I have never teach someone before. I don't know if I am going to do a good job.

I have heard some of their songs and I think they are a very cute band! So I am pretty excited that I am going to meet them!

I arrivied at the studio and I got in the elevator. I pushed number 3 and I was waiting while I was hearing the music. I hate elevator music! It sucks!

I was at the third floor and there were many doors. I was walking to the hailway searching for the door that I sould open. I saw a woman walking.

"Excuse me! I am looking for...5 seconds of summer...." i said.

"Oh you must be Lilly!"

"Yes I am."

"Follow me"

She started walking and I followed her. She stopped out of a door, she knocked and then she opened it.

"Excuse me! Lilly Bryce is here" she said.

Oh there's my dad's cousin! Adam. He nodded and the woman smiled. I got in slowly. Omfg! There's 5SOS! They smiled and I did the same. They're all so cute! Adam stood up.

"Hi Lilly!"


"So this is the band!

The boys smiled and shook their hand. I did the same.

Luke's pov

So Lilly is her name hah? Well she seem like a very good dancer. She was talking with Adam and me and the boys were just looking at each other. I don't know what they were talking about. I hope that she won't make us look silly.

I am kind of nervous. I am not such a good dancer and I am afraid I am going to screw up. Ashton came close to me.
"She is pretty!"


"No I mean it! Don't you like her?"

"She is okay".

Adam stop talking to Lilly.

"Guys, I know you are to tired to dance right now. I just wanted you to meet her. Guys, this is Lilly, Lilly there's Calum, Michael, Ashton and Luke." Adam said.

"Oh I know their names! I have listen to some songs and I think they are very good!" Lilly said.

"Thank you! I'll see you dance and then I'll tell you if you are good!" I said.

She smiled. Well, I have to admit, she is pretty.

"So what do you guys think about starting rehearsals tommorow?" Adam said. We all nodded.

"Okay. What time sould I be here?" Lilly asked Adam.

"17:00 i guess." Adam said. She nodded and left.

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