Chapter 10: Execute the Executioner

Start from the beginning


Phil returned a full day later. The moment he walked through that door, Mellohi could tell he was terrified for his friend. So the first chance she got, she wrapped her caretaker in the biggest hug she could muster. She then dragged him over to his desk, informing him on her plan of action for when Technoblade arrived. Phil was amused by this, but soon realized that, with Mellohi's history, she would never be safe with him in L'Manburg.

"Mellohi, listen to me." He took her by the shoulders, gazing deep into her blindfold. "You aren't safe here with your past dangling over your head. You need to leave."

"I can't." She shook her head. "Not yet. Not only would I tear myself up wondering what would happen to Technoblade, but you also need as much support as you can get."

"They will kill you next!" Phil exclaimed.

"Then perhaps we should try to come to an agreement," Mellohi calmly responded.

Phil paused, then smiled. "You are very sensible for your age. Alright, what are your terms?"


Mellohi and Phil rested on his upper patio. They waited in anticipation as the sun set on the horizon. They had discussed Mellohi's plan, and they both agreed she would escape that night. A feeling of dread settled across the land, thick like fog blanketing the night.

Suddenly, Mellohi perked up, long ears twitching.

"What is it?" Phil inquired.

Mellohi turned to him with a grim expression. "They're here."

Right on cue, the faint methodical clank of chains sounded in the distance. They drummed together in an eerie rhythm, and Mellohi began nodding her head to the beat, an unnerving song repeating itself in her brain.

Soon, chatter rose up above the clanking. Silhouettes of nine figures emerged from the darkness. In the light of the street lamps, Quackity could be seen atop Technoblade's horse, Carl. Next to him was Ranboo, and behind were Fundy and Tubbo. Technoblade was in between, his wrists and ankles bound in shackles. Six other figures Mellohi did not recognize were with them. One seemed to be a ghost drenched in blue, leading a blue sheep along with it.

As they approached, she and Phil stood to address them.

"You actually got him," he murmured, still seeming a bit shocked despite witnessing the whole thing. Mellohi, on the contrary, was grinning.

"Phil!!" Technoblade hollered urgently, struggling against his captors. "Phil! What did they do to you?!"

"Technoblade!" Mellohi cheered. "We missed you!"

"Mellohi!!" he shouted back. This made the five new, living figures pause. "Why are you cheering?! I'm literally on criminal trial, and judging by that huge, overly complicated contraption above the cage, I think it's safe to assume I'm not living through it."

"I'm cheering for you because I know you have a plan!"

"In the cage, Technoblade," Quackity sneered, undoing the shackles. The scarred man shoved the pig through the bars as Tubbo sauntered up to the mic.

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