Chapter 29 - Road Trip! (Unedited)

Start from the beginning

Admittedly it hurt a lot when she had just started blanking me in the school hallways during the last couple of weeks before we finished middle school, but I had decided to let it lie at the time because I believed that I had somehow hurt her worse for her to ignore me like that. It brought up conflicting emotions because had we spent the summer together like we had planned, I wouldn't have spent the whole time with Sam and we probably wouldn't have grown as close as we were now. That summer signified the birth of Sam and I's plans for the future, so while losing my closest friend sucked I couldn't help but feel like it only set me up for the amazing life that I had now.

"Are you and Sam still friends with those boys you used to hang around with in Kansas?" The question brought me out of my thoughts.

"You mean Nate and Alex?" I received a nod, and continued. "Yeah, we're still pretty close. We don't really have time to speak to them as much as we probably should, but we see them at least once a year on a boys' trip."

"That's nice!" She beamed sincerely.

"What about you? Tell me about your friends."

"Well I only really have my best friend, Sarah. She's the only one that suck around when..." She paused and glanced away out of the window, her cheeks tinging red in embarrassment.

I guessed she was thinking about the stuff she had gone through with her ex. This hadn't been the first time that she had mentioned it since coming to L.A., but she had always stopped herself from talking about it too much. I just wished that she could feel safe enough around me to open about it, and it made me miss the closeness that we had when we were younger as there were never many secrets that we kept from each other back then.

"She sounds like a good friend." I mused, feeling glad that she at least had one person that had stuck with her.

"She is. She's chaotic, and loud, and says what she thinks... But yeah, I wouldn't trade her for the world." She said with a soft giggle.

"All you need sometimes is a best friend that will have your back no matter what." I stated with a fond smile of my own as I thought of Sam.

"Very true." Y/N agreed.

"And hey... Now you have me and all my friends!" I told her confidently. Gazing across, I saw her turn back towards me and noticed that her eyes looked a little more watery than usual.

"Thanks Colbs." She whispered from across the car. She let out a small sniff that she tried to cover up with a cough, before she opened her mouth again. "Uhhh... Where should we stop to get food?" I let her change the subject, as I would never force her to talk about something if she wasn't ready.


One hour and a half later and I was pulling into the car park of a store. I had spotted a sign for the store a couple of minutes down the road, and decided that it would best to stop here as they sold camping gear. Putting my car into park, I peered over at Y/N and guessed that she was coming to the end of her phone call with her mom. She had called her to let her know that she might not be able to call for a couple of days as we might not have signal at the campsite.

"Well have fun but be safe, sweetie!" Y/N's mom ordered down the speaker of her phone.

"I will mom!" Y/N promised down the phone.

"Okay, bye honey! Bye Colby!"

"Bye Mrs Y/L/N." I called out as I unbuckled my seatbelt and grabbed my phone from the storage compartment in the middle of my car.

"Bye momma! I'll call you when we get back to L.A. in a few days!" Y/N told her mom before hanging up. She tucked her phone back into her back and then seemed to realise that we had stopped.

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