Chapter Thirty-Three: The Stealthy Intrusion

Start from the beginning

Both men rushed towards the young woman from different directions as she crumpled to the floor, no longer able to stave off the effects of an empty stomach and the searing heat, which was punishing even in the early morning.

Luo Jian was the first to reach Ming Yue's side.  He satisfied himself that she was breathing normally, and that she was not feverish, then picked her up.  However, before he could turn around and walk back towards her tent, Prince Zhixing was in front of him, an alarmed expression on the young man's face.

"Is she alright?" he asked, breathlessly. 

Luo Jian looked at him intently, noting his unusually high level of anxiety.

"It does not appear to be anything serious, Your Highness," he said, slowly. "Perhaps just the effect of the unseasonably warm weather. Thank you for your concern, but please do not let it worry you. We will take good care of her."

"She might not have eaten.  You should check.  Sometimes..." Zhixing tailed off, realising that he was about to make a potentially fatal mistake as he saw Luo Jian's eyes narrow.  Instead, with great effort, he composed himself.

"Anyway, irrespective of the cause, I am glad it is nothing major.  If I can be of no further assistance, I will leave you to it."  He gave a brief nod of respect to Luo Jian and walked off towards the Jin delegation's cluster of tents, his shoulders tense.

Luo Jian reached the young woman's tent, then placed her gently on top of the bed.  He called out for one of the junior maidservants and instructed her to bathe Ming Yue's face and neck with damp towels until she woke up, then get her whatever food and drink she could manage from the camp kitchen.

He had already resolved not to tell Weisheng about Ming Yue's condition, nor the young Jin prince's obvious concern for the woman.  His friend was unable to think clearly when it came to her, and today, the most important task was building up Han's relationship with Jin.

Luo Jian felt no guilt for keeping it from the prince.  He knew that Ming Yue would have said the same thing if she had been able to, and the young woman would not be missed, as her presence in the main tent was not expected that morning.  It had already been decided that only the princes and their bodyguards, the ministers, and the two chief eunuchs as notetakers would be party to the negotiations, to allow both sides to speak as freely as possible.

Throwing one final glance towards the unconscious woman, Luo Jian strode out of the tent to find Weisheng.


Weisheng was in a good mood.  The day of negotiations had gone well, even though it had taken a considerable length of time to iron out the finer details, and the princes of both kingdoms had eventually arrived at a landing.  Weisheng had expected some interference or objection from his ministers, but that had been far from the case.

True to form, Minister Shen had offered constructive advice, and Ministers Deng and Xie had stepped in only to provide assistance on matters which would benefit from their particular areas of expertise.

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