why are men scared of feminism

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I know the title of this write up has already triggered you so much,

That you've started looking up for my social media handles so that you can send me threats,

Maybe about how much you’d like to destroy my vagina in hopes of putting me in my place,

Or even shooting me dead.

But maybe that is because we as human beings are scared of the unknown,

And dear men, a lot of you have not yet come across the right definition of feminism.

No it's not parading the streets in bikinis, or shouting slogans about cutting of penises, or shaming yall about your dicks,

It's basically a tiny rebellion about that unnecessary, unwanted touch, on my shoulder, on my butt, on my wrist, by every woman you've called chick.

You see feminism is not about glorifying everything a woman does, but maybe, just maybe, giving her the right to,

Because there are men who kill the dreams of women they claim of love, and take their virgnity, their right to say 'no' as the booty,

And sometimes kill them too.

But hey, I'm not blaming you.

Because that would would be like blaming my cousin's girlfriend's brother who is from England, for everything the British did to India.

And I've come across men who've asked men to man up, then bitched about their girlfriends when they asked them to do their fair share of chores,

And if a woman dared to lift a single finger against the fist of patriarchy, of misogyny, she becomes a whore.

You see feminism is about equality,
That's all the word has ever meant to me,

And honestly men aren’t what we're against,

I'd say I, but that would be disrespecting every woman who doesn’t have the voice, the right, the place, the choice

To state her opinion.

Now that I'm done with the definition,

Let's start with why we need what we say we do,

And this conversation is going to get really fucking long,

But you’ve decided to tag along,

So let's start.

I need feminism because I've seen girls my age with babies on their hips,

And bruises on their faces, and bangles on their wrists,

And my lips twist into a pained smile, and my fingers curled into fists,

If you say we don't need feminism, what about this?

I need feminism because a man does not need to man up when his wife throws punches his way,

Because men cannot hit women right?

That's what we hear every day,

But what about the man in the situation? What's he suppsoed to say?

I need feminism because every time I have a stain on my skirt I need to wrap a shirt around my waist,

Because if a boy saw the stain, he'd think I was dirty, he'd spread the word,

Because having my normal menstruation cycle was dirtier,

Than him getting a blowjob at the back of the washroom, from a random girl.

I need feminism because men shouldn’t be mocked for wearing pink,

And for wearing makeup, or for wearing dresses, or possibly wigs,

Because looking macho doesn’t making you a man,

Acting like one definitely does though.

I need feminism because an educated, working woman,

Shouldn’t have to pay a guy to marry her,

And she shouldn’t have to leave her job to look after her husband, you'll ask, but why?

Because a grown up man does not require babysitting, he's not a child.

I need feminism because when boys are raped, I don't see candle marches,

I don't see mass protests, the screaming on newschannels,

What happens to that boy, he didn’t want his body to be violated,

What happens to all these boys who'll never be the same?

I need feminism because we live in a society where a man treats their genitals as a weapon,

And when a woman says something he doesn’t like all he does is just threaten,

To fuck her so hard she'll never walk again,

He'll leave her so traumatised she'll never talk against a man, again.

I need feminism because men are victims of domestic abuse,

And he fliches every time his girlfriend walks into the room,

And when his friends gladly overlook the cuts on his face and the dried blood on his shirt,

And instead of asking him, if he's okay, if he's doing alright,

He's asked to man the fuck up.

And that's just a couple you everyday examples you and me come across,

And we'll still stay away and not tag ourselves the f word,

Because we're scared men will think we're pseudo feminists,

And I think nowdays we're more scared of the f word that ends with m than the one that ends with a k,

Because it's eaiser to ignore as the oppressors opress, and the victims fail to resist, everyday.

And to the women I'd like to ask,

Why do you hide behind a mask?

And to the men I'd like to say,

Why do you think giving someone else rights, will take yours away?

Crying Skies, Rain And Discarded MemoriesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon