gen z

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summer evenings are nice.

Midnight texting,

Aesthetic vibes.

Dark humour,

Makes no sense.

To them, but to us

Definitely, yes.

We're the new generation,

Misunderstood, but thats okay.

We're kinda broken, anxious,

Tired of being called so privileged.

The new generation,

They can't seem to get us right.

Our jeans too ripped, brains empty,

We wear our clothes and hearts too tight.

Gen z sucks?

I'm sure I do too.

We're called out,

For everything that we do.

Never good enough,

Always wanting too much.

Never going out,

Or getting out of touch.

We're always sick,

Always on our phones.

Is it our fault,

That at home we're so alone?

We have no friends,

Or have too many.

Too outgoing,

Or totally antisocial,arent we?

Good things take time,

Yeah I'm sure they dodo.

Don't you know we're too young,

We'll grow up soon.

Let us live our youth,

By our rules.

Not by yours,

Cuz then we'll end up like you.

We're the new generation,

Misunderstood, but that's okay

We're kinda broken, anxious

Tired of being called so privileged.

Crying Skies, Rain And Discarded Memoriesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن