But now, seeing it again...on Novia....drove him crazy.

Novia took a step back away from him, incredibly offended. She looked down at herself in a second guessing fashion. Maybe it didn't look as good as she thought? She shook her head. No... she wasn't going to let Eren get into her head. Mikasa's dress was perfect. "I think it looks nice.. and It doesn't matter how you feel about it because I'm wearing it." She said proudly.

"No. You're not....I'm not letting you go out like that." He chuckled. As if she was going to actually win this argument...

"Eren...if you haven't noticed yet...," she paused, looking around the room for a dramatic effect. "you aren't the boss of me. I can do whatever I want and I'm wearing the dress, whether you like it or not. If you're going to be in this mood all night, I don't even want you coming with us anyways." She turned to leave before he could have the chance to respond. She was done hearing what he had to say.

Before Novia could even comprehend what was happening, she felt her face being smacked against the door, big strong hands pinning both her arms behind her back. Eren now stood directly behind her, his lips getting eerily close to her ear.

"I know if I let you leave wearing that....everyone's going to be staring at you. And I can't have that." His voice was rustic and stern. Novia was taken aback by how bold he was being right now. She knew if she gazed back into his eyes they'd possess a proprietorial expression.

"No one's going to stare at me would you stop being so dramatic?" Novia irritatingly spoke. She tried to wriggle out of his grip, but his jealousy was fueling his strength, so there was no chance he was going to let her go willingly.

"If I'm having trouble controlling myself just standing here with you, the other guys at the bar won't be able to resist either.....seriously, I just want to rip that dress off of you." Novia's legs shivered a little at his vulgar words, shots of lightning were being sent all throughout her nerves.

Even though Novia was still exasperated by Eren's childish behavior, she couldn't help but react naturally to how he was speaking to her. He watched her body language shift under him, taking this opportunity to drag her over to his bed by the waist, basically throwing her on top of the sheets. She kept a pleading face attached to her appearance the whole time as Eren purposely seduced her.

She was leaning on her elbows as she watched Eren hungrily stare into her eyes. "Eren I-" She went to speak but was immediately extinguished by him straddling over her and shoving down her shoulders roughly, so she was now flatly laying against the bed. His face disappeared into her neck and she felt his tongue give one long lick. He leaned back up with a lustful grin.

"Don't make me responsible for what happens next...you chose to come here like this." Novia caught herself slowly falling under Eren's spell. She needed to force herself to have better will power within her because she remembered she didn't have much time to be doing all this nonsense. Connie said they were leaving in an hour....

"Eren I can't." She went to try and lean up again. This time Eren took both her wrists into his hands, stopping her from going anywhere. His bad mood still lingered in the air, but he was masking it with his arousal...Novia was just too good of an intoxicating distraction for him.

"You're kind of fiesty tonight Novia...it's getting me even more excited...go on, fight me harder." He devilishly laughed. He put his knee in between her legs, to keep her from squirming even further. She gasped at the sudden pressure, her cheeks rising from the temperature once again. Novia didn't want to admit how turned on Eren was getting her. She couldn't refuse or resist his advances no matter how hard she tried....she just enjoyed it too much.

The situation was escalating so quickly, Novia knew if she didn't dissolve it now, they were bound to get in trouble once again...so she came up with a cooperation. "Eren c'mon, seriously...I have an idea." The serious tone in her voice made Eren roll his eyes as she was suddenly bringing him back to reality. "What?"

"If you come with us.....you can make sure no one looks at me. If you're there, no guy would even think about doing anything...and after, then...you know..... we can be all alone again, without any interruptions, I promise."

Novia's proposition made Eren give a small smile. He sighed, getting off her, silently obliging to her wishes....she was sort of right. Doing this here, now...would probably bite them both in the ass later. And for the past week, he didn't want to tell Novia, but he had finally found a perfect place...so he'd keep it a surprise until they got back.

"Okay..fine. But after, you're all mine.....and tonight, I'm not holding back anymore." His voice carried a tone indicating there was zero sarcasm within it. He meant every single word that spewed from his mouth.

Novia mutually looked him in the face, giving a slight smirk. "Good. Because tonight. I don't want you to."


I don't know who's sexual tension is worse sheeshhh.

Hope you've enjoyed this chapter! Don't know how much I'll be updating next week because it is my birthday and finals week, so might be a little busy. But we never know, I get so bored late at night...so just be on the lookout!

Please don't hesitate to inbox me if you are confused or just have questions about the story! Ily guys!



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