"Struggling with what?" the wolf asked.

"Everything just feels useless and empty. Like there is no purpose." she said.

"What do you mean?" the wolf asked.

"It's just, I used to live, or well, feel alive. Now, all I do, all we do, is sit and hide here because otherwise we will get killed. We have no more freedom. It's always about surviving but never about living and it makes me wonder if I even want to survive." the blonde explained.

"Yeah, I know what it feels like to be trapped. Freedom hasn't exactly been something I've had for the past 9 years." the wolf scoffed.

"You know, you should be happy you can at least go wherever you want. I haven't seen the outside world in years. At least you still have a will of your own. You can still make your own choices." the wolf said.

"Do I? We aren't allowed to leave this lair unless Minji tells us to. We can't go wherever we want. We can't make our own choices most of the time. All we do, all we are allowed to do, is take orders." the blonde said.

"Wow, your life really sucks. Suddenly I feel really lucky that I am chained 24/7 and get beaten up regularly." the wolf said sarcastically.

"What do you want me to do? Set you free? Minji will kill me for that." the blonde said.

"Like you want to. I bet you want to keep me here as much as everyone else." the wolf scoffed.

"Honestly I couldn't care less about where you are. Minji however does. And so do most of the others because reality is, we need you." the blonde said.

"Why do you need me? Because of my blood?" the wolf asked.

"Yes, it heals us. Werewolf blood in general is stronger but yours is different. It's the strongest blood we've ever seen. That is why you are still alive and the rest is dead." the blonde said. Hearing her say it, that the rest is dead, it still hurt her, and it still angered her. Her family, her friends, her mate, they all killed them. Oh how much she would love to get some revenge on the vampires. How much she would love to shred a few vampires to pieces. But she couldn't. Because she was locked up here, probably forever.

"You know, sometimes I wonder how we got here. We used to live in peace. How did it come to this? Why did you kill my entire kind?" the wolf then dared to ask. She had asked before but never got an answer. The blonde however seemed down to talk so maybe she would tell her.

"Because we had to make a choice. Your kind or ours. And obviously we chose ours." the blonde said.

"What do you mean?" the wolf asked.

"We made a deal with the devil. That's all I will tell you." the blonde said.

"No, tell me more. After everything, telling me your reasons is the least you could do right?" the wolf tried.

"The less you know the better." the blonde said.

"Please Chaewon, all I want to know is why?" the wolf tried again. She really wanted to know. She had to.

"No, wolf. Now drop it before I tell someone about your misbehaviour." the blonde threatened to which the werewolf scoffed.

In the meantime Minji was in her room, her ears perked to listen to the conversation between the blonde and the wolf. As she listened to their conversation she could feel her anger rise. After everything she had done to protect this pack, all the sacrifices she had made to keep everyone safe, the blonde still dared to say that she didn't care about her? She had looked after Chaewon for over 200 years and still she had the guts to say she hated her?

Blood in the Water | A Loona x Dreamcatcher storyWhere stories live. Discover now