"I don't know, I don't feel like the words would be enough anyways."
Sokka sighed, "I like you because you make me feel better about this whole situation we're in and I don't know maybe you got a super special talent or something but everything you do makes me want to scream at the top of my lungs. But like- not in a bad way you know." Zuko chuckled, "Oh and that also. Your laugh is cute. I really like it."

Zuko lifted his head from Sokka's chest and laid it in the crease between his neck and shoulder. He left a small kiss there, making Sokka's stomach do a flip, "My uncle would like you."

"Do you miss him?"
"Yea, tons." Zuko breathed on Sokka's neck, "He pretty much told me everything I know. I- I have no idea where I'd be without him. Probably in my father's hands."
"Thankful that you aren't."

"Me too. Uncle really opened my eyes in the past months. Even if I was the worst around him. He never left my side. And now I feel like I've betrayed him again."

Sokka pulled him even closer, "Zuko, if your uncle stuck with you all that time then he certainly won't turn his back on you now. Especially after knowing that you changed side and helped defeat your own dad."

Zuko breathed, "Yea."

They spent a moment in silence, the rain being the lullaby of the night. It was small, enjoyable, simple. Yet it felt like forever and so complex that Sokka wasn't sure he could ever put the words on this moment. "Sokka, when did you know that you liked me?"

Sokka didn't have to go too far, the events still pretty recent, "Well when you first joined.." He sighed, not sure how to make himself out look like some idiot that falls in love only with a smile, "When you smiled at me after I showed your room. I got confused and... yeah."

"I liked you when I first met you." Zuko said.
"Are you sure about that?" Sokka chuckled.
"When I attacked your village-" He stopped himself, sighing loudly, his breath brushing Sokka's neck, "I liked that you were brave enough to go out there and fight in order to protect it. I had a whole crew out there, and all firebenders, yet you still tried your best," He resumed.

"You were persistent, and I guess that it was what really made me hate you a little more. I knew that you would always be there to protect the ones you care about. Even if that means sacrificing yourself. And- I don't know, now that I look back at it-" Zuko stopped once again. Sokka for once didn't have anything to say, he was stunned at how much Zuko had just said about him.

"It's stupid- Sorry if it feels weird and all I didn't really-" And Sokka interrupted Zuko with a kiss. He felt his lips curl in a grin against Zuko's, unable to make it stop. He giggled into the kiss. "Argh- I knew it was dumb. I'm sorry." Zuko said as he pulled away.

"I didn't really like like you back then. I mean- I might not be the best in all that stuff but I know that you aren't supposed to chase your crush around the world to capture their best friend."
Sokka finally catched his tongue, "Zuko. It's okay, I get it. And- I- I really appreciate what you said, really."

He caught Zuko smiling, the room becoming brighter as the rain became thinner and the sun made it's way up again. "Maybe we should sleep."
"Yeah." Sokka breathed and kissed Zuko goodnight.


The sun beams brushed his eyes, stripping him out of his dream.

Sokka didn't really remember what it had been about, however he remembered it being quite a pleasant one.

Not fully awake yet, he felt an unusual weight on his chest. Sokka looked down, meeting Zuko who was still asleep, his hand on his torso. His mouth was slightly open, and Sokka had never seen him look as peaceful as right then and there. Not that he had much experience with knowing how Zuko slept, he just knew that it was never so much of a deep sleep and that it rarely lasted.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2021 ⏰

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