You are just trash!

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"Y/n, let me-" I cut him.

"No! I don't want to!" I said and got up. 

"I never wanted to see you, in the first place. My bad, I ended up here. I'll leave from here the soonest, don't worry. Please don't try talking to me or anything else. I don't want to talk to you." I said and left there with teary eyes. 

On my way out, I dashed into someone. 

"I'm sorry," I said without looking at the person and left from there. 

---No one's POV---

"Hyung, what was that?" Wooyoung asked as he heard everything Y/n said to him.

"It's all my fault. I shouldn't have left." Seonghwa cried. 

"Hyung, I'll go talk with her," Wooyoung said. But Seonghwa stopped him. 

"Leave it. Let her talk when she wants." He said. 

"But we don't want to see you like this, hyung. You've never been like this before." He said. 

"Wooyoung, I need a favor, from you." 

"What is it?" He asked. He was ready to do anything for his hyung to be alright. 

"Just make sure she's alright. Try getting close to her. I don't know how she's hurt, but from now on, she should be ok." 

"I'll take care of it hyung." He said and comforted him. 

Wooyoung thought about how to get close to her. He couldn't think of anything now. But he made sure to do it. 

Meanwhile, Y/n ran wherever her legs took her. She reached a huge room filled with tons of books. It was a library. 

She sat by a corner and cried. She didn't want to face this every day. 

She slid her hands into her pocket and took her phone out. She had 20 missed calls from Yugyeom and 40 missed calls from Ryujin and tons of messages flooding her chat. 

She shut her phone completely, avoiding everyone, and leaned back on the wall. 

She sat there crying. She didn't know what to do now. Thinking about it, she fell asleep. 

*next day 

She woke up and realized she was still at the library. She looked at the time and she was getting late for college. 

She hurried to the room and took out her uniform and went to take a shower. She wore her uniform and her hoodie. And hurried out and ran. 

But she was stopped by someone. She turned and saw Mingi holding her, stopping her from going. 

"We all are at the same college. We can go together." He said. 

"I don't want." She shook her hand away from his grip and walked out. 

She walked out of the place and was on her way to the college. She finally reached, using the map. 

She walked in and hoped no one noticed her. She reached her locker and grabbed the books for first class. 

---Y/n's POV---

As I took the books, the locker door was slammed hard, which made me flinch. I got pushed to the wall before I could see that person.

"Argh!" I groaned in pain. My injured shoulder was hit by the wall. 

"I heard the boys talk about you. What do you have to do with them?" Eva asked. I held onto my shoulder. 

"How do I know? Ask them yourself. Don't have the guts or what?" I asked, holding in the pain. 

"When did you start back answering?" She said and pushed me and started kicking me. 

"That's the truth," I said. 

She got more pissed and started kicking me more. My hand started bleeding more. I couldn't stop it from bleeding. 

I gave up. I couldn't handle the pain. I pushed her leg off, which made her fall down. I slowly got up and rested myself on the wall. 

"How dare you push me off?" She shouted. But she got stopped by San. I asked him to let go of her. 

"Why are you even doing this?" I asked as I wiped the blood from my lips. 

"He freaking left because of you! He left because of you!" She cried. I laughed at what she said. 

"How do you know he left because of me? How are you so sure about it?" I asked.

"Everyone knows! You're such a disgrace! You are of no use. No wonder why he left. You're just a bag of trash, without him. You are just trash!" She shouted and left. 

Tears started flowing. Not only my parents, but everyone sees me like that. But why can't I be seen as Y/n and not Seonghwa's sister? I feel like there's no point in me living. 

"Y/n, are you ok?" Yeosang asked. I shook my head saying no and cried. 

"Y/n, t-the stitch tore." He said. 

I didn't care about what he said. 

Two people stopped in front of me. I looked up and saw Yugyeom and Ryujin, both feeling worried but stopping themselves for what I said. I know I said that it won't be good if we all stay together and they are keeping up to it. It kills me. 

I got up, struggling a lot. I covered my injured shoulder with my free hand. They stood there without moving. 

I walked towards them. But before I could speak, I passed out. 

Remedy for injured heart: LOVE (Wooyoung FF)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt