Familiar Faces, Unbeknown Names

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"Alexandria?" I asked her whispering. I swear I saw a tear fall out of her eye. She hugged me.

"Oh, how could you forget us?" she asked, wiping the tears away. I shook my head and was at a loss for words. I remembered the Ethan boy. Oh, who was he? Well, the question mark cane set off a clue. The Riddlers kid? But, it couldn't be.

"Ethan? Ethan Nashton?" I asked him. He grinned at me. I grinned at myself for remembering them. How could I forget them? They were my only friends when I was younger. A lot of memories came rushing back now. I held my head as it was all too much. The memory of Alex, Ethan and I running along a park, eating ice cream, preschool, my mothers funeral. All the memories stopped there. Then a rush of another horrible memory I had probably repressed came rushing through my mind. The psychiatrists office, the ward, the injection. It was all organised, by my dad.

"Dr Crane, are you sure about this. I mean, she's your daughter for Chrissake," said a man in a white coat. My dad looked down and sad and his eyes looked like they were filled with tears.

"I-I'm sure, Dr Arkham," said my dad. I was strapped to a board again. I couldn't see.

"What are the symptoms of your daughter, Dr Crane?" asked a man who was holding a needle. The drug.

"Sociopathic tendencies, thinks that her mother is still alive and episodes of schizophrenia," he said sighing. He was plainly lying. A needle was injected into me and I fell asleep. It all came rushing back. Dad had planned for me to forget about Ethan and Alex and everything else. But the question was: why? I flipped out my cellphone and went to call him.

"Caralyn? Oh, God, Caralyn. Are you alright? Where are you? Christ, Caralyn. Where are you?" he asked. I held back tears. I was mad at him, but it wouldn't be for long. He was only person who loved me in my family and the only person I could trust and really speak to, but I suspected an argument.

"I'm at Harley Quinn and Joker's house. I'll explain how I got here later," I choked on the phone and then immediately hung up and started crying my eyes out at the realisation. But why?

--Jonathan's P.O.V---

I was so worried about Caralyn I stayed up almost all night. It was three o'clock in the afternoon when I woke up and rolled off the couch.

"Woah!" I yelled as I fell. I heard my phone rang and I jolted up to get it. Maybe it was about Caralyn. I looked at the caller ID. Oh, mother of God, not you. Allysen. I answered the phone and sighed.

"What do you want?" I asked, I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and drank it.

"Look, you tell me what you make in that stupid lab of yours or I'll tell Arkham Asylum you're back to being the Scarecrow and they'll put you in there themselves, got it?" she asked. I just chuckled. She should know she can't blackmail me by now.

"They won't believe you, goodbye now, Allysen," I said, hanging up and hearing blah blah blah gibberish of her protests on the phone before it. I got showered, dressed and went on a little hunt for my glasses. Then, as soon as I found them, the phone rang. I looked at the ID. Oh, thank God.

"Caralyn? Oh, God, Caralyn. Are you alright? Where are you? Christ, Caralyn. Where are you?" I asked, grabbing my keys off of the table next to the couch and walking out to the car. She sounded upset. I wondered what was wrong.

"I'm at Harley Quinn and Joker's house. I'll explain how I got here later," she replied. My eyes widened at the mention. If Harley or Joker had done something, which I doubt they had, but if Alexandria had, then they would definetely see their oblivion. I revved the engine and drove to their house. It took about twenty minutes. I knocked on their front door.

"Jon!" screamed Harley as she hugged me. "We haven't seen you in ages, Caralyn's here and she's fine," she announced. That was an absolute relief. I walked in and saw her in the corner and her eyes were all red and puffy.  I went over to her. To my relief, Alex was standing well away from her. That Ethan Nashton boy was there, too. I went over to Caralyn and sat down next to her.

"So, how did you end up here?" I asked her. She explained everything. As soon as she was done, I stood up and took her with me. I turned to Harley and Joker.

"Thank you," I said. They both smiled and I walked out with Caralyn.

---Caralyn's P.O.V---

As soon as we were outside, I walked well away from dad that I left a confused look on his face. I went in the car and slammed the door. He got in the car and started the ignition.

"Well, that's the door closed," he joked. I shook my head and looked out the window. "What's wrong with you?" he asked. I sighed and just got straight to it.

"Why?" I asked. He looked confused. "Why make me forget about Alex and Ethan? My friends. My only friends! Tell doctors that I had sociopathic tendencies, episodes of schizophrenia, what else did you tell them, huh?" I asked, angrily. He just looked dumbstruck. I mentally smirked.

"How did you-"

"Know?" I finished for him. "Please, this is why you locked me up in the house and never let me go anywhere, isn't it? You knew that once I saw someone from my past, who reminded me of my past, I would remember everything," I confronted. He sped up and drove down some alley. This was the alley to our old house. He stopped right outside sixty-five. The spot where we found my mother, dead.

"This," he started. "This is why I did it. Protection. I didn't want to lose you. It's not just this alley, it's the whole of Gotham city nearly. I had to keep you from danger somehow, I mean, just as long you're in my sight, then I won't have to worry about your safety,"

I looked at him like he had just smacked me across the face with a fish. I shook my head

"That is the stupidest excuse, I have ever heard, in my life," I retorted. He looked so offended now and angry.

"Really, is it?" he asked. I nodded and then it got really into an argument.

"Yes, you are so overprotective!" It then went into us saying things at the same time.

"I am not over-protective!"

"Yes, you are."

"No, I'm just concerned!"

"Concerened? No, you are overprotective, you planned an injection to make me forget my life and-" I heard a smash. It was such a close smash. I slowly turned my head to the windshield. There was a gunshot crack on it. I started to hyperventilate as dad realised it, too.

"Um, ok, Caralyn. Breathe," he tried to reassure while starting the engine. I could feel a scream coming on. He could probably sense it, too. "Don't scream, just stay calm,"

"Stay calm?! We just got a bullet through a window and you're asking me to stay calm?!" I asked, bringing my legs up to the glove compartment.

----Jonathan's P.O.V---

"Stay calm?! We just got a bullet through a window and you're asking me to stay calm?!" asked Caralyn bringing her legs up to the glove compartment. I rolled my eyes and shifted the gear.

"Fine," I said. I drove right through the bins that were infront of us and my ears filled with a piercing scream from Caralyn, I knocked down some cardboard and swerved on to the road. Caralyn looked like she was calming down now. I was smiling. This fear from Caralyn was quite interesting. Her expression was so scared that I had to laugh. That's horrible parenting but, oh well.

"That was fun, wasn't it?" I asked her, to see what her answer would be.

"NO!" she yelled in my ear. I grinned and laughed at her. After a few seconds, she turned her head to me and started laughing. She sounded like the Joker.

"What?" I asked. She turned to face the windshield, then back at me.

"You're one crazy dude," she said to me, grinning. I grinned back at her and continued driving. She looked calmer that before now. Once we got to the house, it started raining. I went inside. We saw Allysen standing in our living room. This would be interesting.

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