Meet 2 (Request)

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Requested by: Lone_Writer611

Hey Joanne I'm so sorry that it's late but I hope you enjoyed it although sorry in advance too If I didn't reach your expectation and there might be changes in my own way of story and this chapter is short hehe

On the other note, Dear readers this is a crossover of SINnamon Squad and Behind the Stadium on the picture above by Lone_Writer611

Don't forget to check her stories which is super cool :D


The morning shines although it become more interesting and fascinating to say at least when a group of 6 bladers are gathered in the back forest of the well known boarding school - Beigoma Academy.

It it also noticeable that they are wearing a big backpack lie they were going on a camping or adventure something like that

Which is really would happen because they will go to the Aether!

What is Aether if you ask. Well it's the world where the powerful and mysterious beyspirits live. Yes they have there own life too. Surprisingly right? Well of course no matter what form they are demon, dragon, knight or anything kind of deity, they are still like us - humans that has emotion and will to live

And that rare knowledge is only known by little and that includes these 6 legendary strong bladers who set on journey to meet there beloved partner/friends in that world

They decided to have a good rest at least because from all the things happening in the Beyblade Community and the stress they get, they all deserve a break too

Then a glowing gold light start to appear in front of bladers that later on form into a enchanted big door with fancy gold design form that will lead them into the Aether

And so the 6 bladers namely: Valt Aoi, Aiga Akaba, Drum Koryu, Hyuga Asahi, Hikaru Asahi and Bell Daikokuten step inside the magical portal as blinding light start to surround them that they need to close there eyes

The light fade away as they all open they're eyes, a breathtaking scenery greet them and no matter how much they see this world, it will never fail to amaze them. They are now standing in a high hill with a healthy looking grass, then in the right scene is a crystalized water falls in a deep blue sea, a abundant forest covered from the left and from afar is a grand palace

"Welcome to Aether~!"

A sweet voice welcomed them that belongs Valt's partner and the well "Chooser of the Slain", the Blue Knight : (Brave) Valkyrie

As they turn around, they quickly spotted the only blue female knight - in the 6 member beyspirits squad in their human form - she look angelic as ever with her tall posture, light and fair skin, flowy cherry red hair that reach her back, attractive emerald eyes, clad in a blue armor with red and gold frames and lines with a red buckle on the belt - reminiscent to the Superking Core on the Valkyrie Superking Chip - and turquoise cape, and the helmet is sleeker that sports a gold metal wings on each side

"Yo wassup! Glad you guys made in pieces"

Another voice joined and it belongs to Aiga's partner and well know knight hero warrior of Trojan war, Crimson Hero Knight: (Infinite) Achilles

He appeared to be a seemingly young man with tan skin, his crimson dark hair was tied up in a long ponytail that reach his back, he has dazzling jade eyes , he is clad in red thorax armor that has silver sections with a blue gem - which symbolizing the blue core on the Achilles Superking Chip - and a burgundy white cape that flow, he is wearing a crimson helmet with a golden crest on each side that is pointy at the end

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