27. First Day of College

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Chapter 27: First Day of College

A/n: Hey y'all, welcome back. Sorry for the late update. I got lazy once again ad wrote half the chapter and then stopped for a while. I really need to stop that habit.

jameszyrel619: Nah I'd like to do daily updates,  but its wayy too much to worry about. So much stress. I'll stick to my weekly. I don't know how Lance does it, he is a mad man. Hahaha, and I only did this update streak because I felt like writing a lot. :)
And also, I will have motivation to do the rest of the story. It was just that one arc that I just couldn't figure anything out. I was stumped on what I should write even though I had everything planned out.

TheMist33: Thanks, I think it was a good chapter as well.

3rd Person Pov.

Fuutarou grabbed a notebook, slid it in his bag, and zipped it up.
Today was the first day of college and Fuutarou got up a little early to make sure he had everything ready. Classes wouldn't start in 2 hours but it wouldn't hurt to be prepared. Fuutarou walked to his door and opened it to the sight of the quints sitting on the couch, watching tv.

"Ohaiyu Fuuta!" Itsuki greeted him.

"Ohaiyu Fuu-Kun!" Nino greeted next.

"Ohaiyu Fuu~" Ichika cooed. She was laying down on the couch. "How was last night?"

Fuutarou blushed at the mention of last night "Ah it was great."

Last night, things got a little lewd. I'm not going to get into all the details though.

(Maybe when I get better at writing, then I might make one, who knows. And also, its not because I don't know whats happening, ive read lots of hentai, but I just dont think I can write something thats good.)

Let's just say, Fuutarou and quints had a lot of fun.

"Mmm k." Ichika winked at Fuutarou.

The other quints also blushed due to Ichika bringing up what happened.

Fuutarou shook the blush and embarrassment off his face. "You girls eat breakfast yet? Want me to make you anything?" Fuutarou asked.

"We've been waiting for you to make us something!" Yotsuba exclaimed.

"Alright what do you want? I've got the time." Fuutarou asked checking his watch.

"Can you make your tomato soup? I wanna eat that again!" Yotsuba asked.

"Sure, girls that alright with you?" Fuutarou asked.

"Yep I'm good with it." Miku said from across the room. She was opening up an Amazon box.

"Ok, I'll start working on it." Fuutarou walked to the kitchen and opened up the fridge. He grabbed everything he needed and started up the stove. Then, he grabbed a big pot and started cooking.

Miku finally opened up her box and pulled out what she ordered.

A pair of night vision goggles were in her hands. It was rechargeable so the company she bought the goggles from already filled the goggle to full. Miku slid the goggles on and turned it on.
Immediately, she was blinded due to all the lights that were already on.

"I'll mess with these later." Miku said to herself.

She set them down on the coffee table in front of her.
As Fuutarou cooked his soup, the smell spread throughout the room. The tomato smell was good and everyone enjoyed it.

"Mmm Fuu-Kun that smells really good~" Nino cooed.

"Yea I'll be done in a few." Fuutarou told the quints.

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