I stormed out of my car and brought my pancakes along with me. I hurried towards our classroom and held the door knob when i remembered that there might be another awful surprise waiting for me. I slowly turned the doorknob and kicked the door with force.

Nothing fell from above, nor did anything come out from the sides. I peeked inside the room and no one was there. I sighed. Maybe Im just being paranoid. Aniyo! Im not paranoid! This is what you called being cautious.

I stepped inside the empty room and sat on my seat and started to eat my breakfast. Ugh, im loosing my appetite with just what happened earlier. But i have to eat because this will be a long day.

I was about to take my first bite of the pancake when Jin greeted me. " Hey there 'troublemaker' " i rolled my eyes at him and continued to eat. Whatever. Im not going to let him destroy my day.

" Is that how you thank a person who just saved you awhile ago? " he sat infront of me and smirked.

I smirked back at him and decided to counter his sarcastic remark " Im sorry, but I'm trying to eat here and your face just makes me want to puke "

He laughed out a heartful one which i guess wasn't fake. " You should loosen up a bit. I'm just trying to make things funny around us. "

" Well, if you think that keeping my wallet and throwing it at my face is funny. Then, stop it " I gave him a serious answer with a serious face cause I really felt offended by how he acted.

His smile faded away and he didn't reply to what I said. " And I don't need your money to pay my meal. " I continued as I payed him back 3,000 won.

" Mianhae.. I just wanted to lighten up the mood between us " Jin said as he stood up infront of me and proceeded to his original seat.

" What do you mean? " I asked with a hint of curiosity. Jin seemed really weird today. One day, he's nice then the next day, he's mean. Crazy mood swings probably?

" We can be friends right? " Jin turned around to look at me in the eye with hope in his eyes.

What is he saying? Us? Friends? I thought he hated me? Am i getting crazy? Or am i imagining things?

" Uh... are you sure? " I asked him again just to make sure that this is reality.

" Are you weirded out by me? " He ask with an innocent smile.

I nod in reply and his smile grew wider. " One day, I'm good to you. Then, the next day I'm bad. That's what you think right? " he asked.

Is he a mind reader? How did he know what I was thinking? Well, at least he's aware of that fact. And once again I nodded to his question.

" When we were at the bar, I told you about Angel right? and you told me about your dad and your half  brother is NamJo-- " I didn't let him finish what he said as I covered his mouth. Its just too risky. Someone might hear.

" Don't mention that in public. " I warned him and he agreed.

" After that event, i just felt like i needed someone to talk to and that would be you " Jin stated as he bowed his head.

" Why don't you talk with your friends? " i asked. Why would he want me to talk with him if he had his best friends already?

" Its because they don't listen. Its so easy for them to tell me to move on when Im in so much pain. " he continues to reason out with his head down.

" Why me? Why not other people out there? " I asked once more.

" Because.. its because.. i dont know " Jin stuttered as he struggled to find an answer.

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