Chapter 12

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He takes the first chance he gets to deepen the kiss. I feel him rubbing up and down my thigh. He slides his tongue in my mouth and tugs at my shirt. I push him off and cross my arm "Nu Hu! I'm not getting pregnant again!" I walk out and Riker pins Austin to the wall chocking him "Riker!" "You had no right to drag her to the bathroom! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER! What?" Austin tries to fight back. "Riker!" Stormie pulls his ear and Mimi drags Austin by his neck. "When the boys fought for a toy we would put that toy on time out!" I giggle a little and my mom smiles "I'm sorry Stormie but my daughter isn't a toy." "Keep telling yourself that Penelope!" Mimi snaps at my mom "what's I'm saying is neither of you can talk to Ally! You boys are going to end up killing each other for a Girl!" "I think Stormie is absolutely right, Ally your in time out!" My mom scolds me. "Do I go sit in the corner for the 10 minutes and think about what I did? Or what's the point of this?" "No, Both boys can not talk to you or socialize with you whatsoever until they learn to act like mature adults!" "But mom!" "I'm okay with it, Can I stay with you Rydel for the mean time? Or is sleeping in the same house not in the rules." "No, from this day on, Ally is dead to both of you!" Stormie snaps at them and Rydel laughs "Do you need help with you stuff?" "I don't have to much, just a months worth, I have to tell my neighbor to send all my stuff over here now that I'm staying." Rydel and I run upstairs and get my stuff. "Grandma! You can't let my mom leave! I just go he back!" We come back down with my luggage and Riker takes them to the car. "Austin, can I take Audrey for the weekends or something? I feel terrible for everything and I want to spend time with her. Please?" "Technically speaking, she's yours you have full custody." "Audrey what do you say do you want to come life with us?" "I like living here no offense, and I have my bed here and Rydel lives in a small apartment. I don't think I should leave my dads." I take a deep breath and smile "How about You take Audrey for the weekends and I take James for the weekends it's a far trade." Riker comes back and crosses his arms "You guys are acting like your getting a divorce." Rydel picks James up "I'll see you mama." She gives Stormie a kiss on the cheek "Alz I'll be in the car." She tells me and leaves. "I think it's a good idea if you guys have James for the weekend. But Rydel will come pick Audrey up and drop James off. So I stay on time out." "Deal." Austin's Hugs me quickly and Audrey hugs me after. "I'll pick you up Friday night." She nodes and kisses my cheek. Riker holds me hand and smile. "If you need anything in here." He whispers to me and gives me a kiss one the cheek. "Bye," I say quietly and yank my hand away from his. "I'll see you Mimi." "I hope not!" She growls. I roll my eyes and hug Stormie "I'll come visit you sweets." She tells me and hugs back. I pull away and leave to the car with my mom. "Where are we going?" "we're doing on Auntie delly's house." I say and put him in his car seat. "Alz, what are you going to do?" "I didn't finish medical school for nothing, I guess I can get my old job back." I say and she nodes. We get to he penthouse at the beach "I thought Audrey said you lived in a small apartment?!" "She hasn't been to my house in a long time, I moved here with Ratliff." "You-" "I'm engaged." "Rydel I'm happy for you!"

Nothing's ForeverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora