Chapter Eighteen

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Brittany walked into the school being dragged by her husband along with their daughter Katelyn

Kol was in the middle pulling the girls by their arms, Brittany was on his right while Katelyn was on his left

Kol stopped in front of Katelyn's room and opened the door pushing Katelyn inside

"You will be stuck in here for one more day then you can get out," Kol said pointing his finger at her making her laugh and nod at her dad and laid in her bed as her father closed her doors

"Come on darling," Kol said picking up Brittany bridal style and vamp speeding them to their room and laying her down on the bed once they got there

"First, You will be staying in this room for three days, no work, no walking around unless it is to go to the bathroom if you get hungry just text me to get you some food, got it," Kol said raising his eyebrows making her roll her eyes and nod

"Second, Why would you use magic Brittany after I told you not too" Kol scolded

"I knew you wouldn't let me go look for Katelyn with you so I put a spell on you that made you sleep longer so I could find our daughter" Brittany said making him sigh and get into the bed next to her and pulled her into his arms

"I love you Brittany" Kol whispered into her ear as he closed his eyes making her smiled

"I love you too Kol" Brittany whispered back making him smile as well

They both fell asleep holding each other

Brittany Abigail BennettWhere stories live. Discover now