Chapter Six

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"What do you want brother" Kol said rolling his eyes getting off Brittany and throwing a pillow over the test so they didn't see it

"I would like to know why you lied to me about Brianna being Kol's daughter" Klaus said trying to control his anger because Elijah wanted it to be a civil conversation, Klaus just wanted to dagger Kol

"How did you find out" Kol said rolling his eyes not even denying it

"That night I heard the heart beating in her stomach but I didn't remember the night very well until a few nights ago" Klaus said calming down a lot since they didn't even try to deny it

"Well you figured it our congrats you are a father of two yay" Kol said sarcastically 

Klaus rolled his eyes "I would like to get to know her if she wants to, I don't want to push her away even more than I already have" Klaus said looking down

Hayley smiled from the other side happy that Klaus kept his cool and didn't lash out on them

"Wow can't believe he is so calm about this all" Stefan said to Hayley and she agreed 

"I know right I thought Kol would end up daggered" Hayley said rolling her eyes 

"Did you guys see that Brianna, Lizzie, and Josie are letting Hope in, instead of pushing her away" Lexi said walking into the room

Hayley and Stefan smiled

"Well we don't know if she wants to since it was her idea to make her my daughter and lie to you all" Kol said 

Brittany just laid on the bed letting them talk but she knew she would have to start speaking soon

Klaus nodded looking down but looking up as Brittany spoke up 

"Start small don't rush into speaking to her, I don't want her to be taken from you again, but remember she will be very snappy since she didn't get to know you since you cheated" Brittany said looking at him with no emotion in her eyes

Klaus nodded and left the room to go find Brianna while Elijah went home 

Rebekah acted as if she was going to leave but instead sped over to the pillow and picked up the test making Brittany and Kol's eyes open up wide

"I KNEW I SAW SOMETHING" Rebekah screamed with excitement rushing over to her brother hugging him making him smile and hug back "Congrats brother I am happy you get the chance of children" 

Kol smiled and was going to say something but Brittany spoke up first "You will too if you find the right person" Rebekah smiled at her

"I want to go shopping with you come on" Rebekah said trying to get Brittany up but Kol stopped her

"She isn't allowed to leave the bed today since she did wake up throwing up blood so if you want to hang with her than you have to stay here in this room because she isn't allowed to leave" Kol said glaring at his sister for trying to take Brittany out the bed

The girls laughed at him and Rebekah sped to the other side of the bed and hugged Brittany

Brittany Abigail BennettWhere stories live. Discover now