He begins to walk towards. Passing the Rhodes Island members. Nearl is the first one to reach out. But Ace stops her with a worried expression.

"Stop. He snapped."

"Snapped? What do you mean by that?" Nearl ask shout Ace, but the tall man did not answer her. Only gesture her to raise her shield.

Doctor gloves touch her shoulder in calm manners. Making her look behind and see Doctor.

"Doctor?! Get away! Run! I can not lose you!"

"..." Doctor under the mask makes eye contact with Talulah and she stops her attack for a moment.

"Who are you?"

She questioned him. The Doctor did not answer her. Throwing Amiya back to Ace and the others. Both Doctor and Talulah begin to have a heated showdown.

Literally heated as Talulah raises the temperature inside the building. Doctor is completely unfazed by it due to his suit.

Talulah look intriguing by it and before she could swing her blade. A Ringleader shouts at her.

"We got a problem! Black clouds are here and it is right over us!"

"That would be me."

Not just Talulah but also everyone else felt the coldness in Doctor's voice. Then lightning strikes the ground around the building.

Killing the Reunion followers. Dobermann holds Amiya's ears so she can not hear the screams. But the others do and in small seconds. Doctor's hands sparks while he looks on the ground. Ignoring Talulah completely.

"Shame. You could be a perfect fit for us." Talulah ready her sword and tries to cut Doctor down.

Amiya widens her eyes like everyone else. As they see the person they tried to return back to Rhodes Island getting cut down.


The wind blows and everyone has their jaw dropdown. Talulah has the same reaction and quickly steps back from him.

"You caught me blade... Who are you?"

Doctor looks up to her with one eye under the mask glowing in blue. The quick moment she felt threatened and dodges away from his lightning blast.

Unfortunate, some Reunion members were not lucky to save themselves and instantly died from the attack.


Gaurd is overwhelmed by the destruction powers from the Doctor. Everyone has the same surprised expression except two.

"His Arts."

Ace answered sorrowfully and his sunglasses reflect into Amiya's watering eyes.

"Let me guess, it is bad," Dobermann said and tries to calm Amiya down.

"Normally it is. But in Doctor's case. It is completely different and far more dangerous and problematic. He... have some personalities that come to light."

Ace explains as Doctor keeps blasting after Talulah. She makes a hand gesture to the Ringleaders and they fire their arts at the Doctor. But, he easily dodges them and throws bolts of lightnings at them, and step back from the fast bullet shot from the sniper.

"What?! How did he know that would come!"

"Not now Mephisto."

His superior said and the short boy shuts his mouth. The wind rises up inside the tiny building and the roof gets crush apart.

The smoke from the fallen building parts covers everywhere as they fall down. Talulah slashes it away. And sees the Doctor and Rhodes Island gone.

"I remember you... Y/n... Talulah would be happy to see you again..."

She sheaths her sword and walks back to the remaining Reunion force. Ringleaders quickly appear in front of her with their followers. Talulah nods and looks at the horizon of Rhodes Island running off to.

"Chase him. Only him. I want him!"

Return of the Doctor [Arknights]Where stories live. Discover now