The Judgement Knight

Start from the beginning

" Sorry!" I apologize and hand the papers to the person. The Storm Knight looks at me. Oh, I am going to be dead soon. Of all people I bump into, I have to bump into a Holy Knight.

" It's fine." He says and takes the papers winking.

The playboy....

" If I may ask, why do you have so many work papers?" I ask.

He stiffens.

" I'm just getting them for the Sun Knight." He replies.

" Well, tell him that he should fix this." I point to the top sheet of paper.

" What's wrong with it?"

" Well, instead of this, you should do a event." I point to another paper," If you did it like this, it will cause the town's income go down even more."

" That's right..." Storm replies.

" So the stories are false about you too."

He flinches.

" You should have hidden it better. So in truth, the Storm Knight is NOT a playboy or by now he'll be winking at all the maids that went by already. He's a workaholic. There's black bags under your eyes." I point to his eyes.

" Ah! Seems like my cover is blown."

" Here." I say and take the stack of paper," if I carry it, they won't think you're a workaholic then."

" Th...Thanks...uh..."

" Fiona, Fiona Lavender."

" Wait, don't you have Judgement Knight?"

" Ya, but he says he's busy." I start walking down the hall," Where to?"

" Ah!" He starts walking in front of me as I follow.

We got to a room and I place the stack of papers on the desk and leave.

" Bye. See you sometime." I say.

" Thanks, Fiona." He replies.

I smile and walk down the hall without looking back.


" Wow. I'm amazed how you haven't died yet." Leanne says as she flips her hair.

" Yup! And I can see your face red and wrinkled." I reply.

Leanne's hair was a mess as her eyes were red from bloodshot. She flinches when I say that.

" It's because that stupid Stone Knight is a stubborn mule!"

" You should have known that before."

She looks at me with disgust and leaves.

" Well, it kind of makes sense that she'll be this pissed off." Oliver says beside me.

" Huh?" I ask.

" Well, one of her friends gave up and left. Now she only has only Sarah and Uli."

I say nothing.

" It just means that she didn't have the will to do it." A voice says.

We look up from the table and see a turquoise hair boy with gold eyes.

" Name's Leroi Vendersin." He says to me and holds out his hand.

" Fiona Lavender." I reply and shake his hand.

" Anyways, if Leanne can't take having someone leave. She's not going to make it."

" Don't about my sister like that, Leroi!" A boy with brown hair and green eyes glare at Leroi.

" Chill, Fred. I'm just stating the truth. Your sis won't be able to make it if she so heartbroken about this." Leroi says.

Fred glares at him and then turns to me.

" Also, why are you so protective about her right now? I thought that you didn't like her!" Leroi continues.

" I don't really like her but I do have to care about her." Fred says then turns to me," Nice comeback before." And he blushes a bit.

" Thanks.." I reply in surprise but smile a bit.

" Anyways, how was the tour with the Judgement Knight?" Oliver asks.

The three boys stare at me.

" All we did was watch a criminal get whipped for his crime." I answer.

Their faces go pale.

" And you...didn't faint?" Leroi asks.

" No, I just watched. Nothing happened to me." I answer.

They look at me with disbelief and weirdness but stops when the Holy Knights come in.

" We have been given the chance from the God of Light to show you and the other participants to your dorms. Please follow your Holy Knight. " the Sun Knight says.

The participants separate and follow their Holy Knight.

" Tomorrow, you'll be with the Storm Knight." The Judgement Knight speaks up.

" Yes." I reply.

We stop in front of a door and he looks at me.

" This is your room." He says.

" Thanks you." I thank and bow.

He starts leaving and I enter my room. A large bed plants at the far end of the white and gold room. Gold designed furnitures sits inside the room too. I open a door that leads to the bathroom and another that leads to my closet, which was HUGE! Giving a huge sigh, I lie on my bed. My whole life changes in a split second by just one letter. Crazy, right?

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