Let's Try Happy

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Let's try happy!
Let's try:
colors and sun and flowers and jump rope
Let's try:
balls and bikes and balloons and big dreams
Let's try:
a heist and rob a bank and get away until the cops get called
Let's try:
conquering a mountain in the middle of a storm
Let's try:
winning a war against radioactive tigers in the middle of a tornado
Let's try:
pirates with nothing but a wheel and a plank
Let's try:
mom and dad and baby and a puppy
Let's try:
soup made of grass and leaves and walnuts and seeds
Let's try:
surgery and be the difference between life and death
Let's try:
parent and mow the lawn
Let's try:
school and follow the rules
Let's try:
adult and move away from home
Let's try:
money so that it grows
Let's try:
wine to have a good time
Let's try happy!

until we can't anymore.

WrittenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang