The New Veela?

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The Hogwarts castle was more impressive than she belive it to be. The stories and photographs she had seen hadn't done any sort of justice to the old building. The dark academia vibe it radiated held a sort of beauty that many admired. She sure did.

It was too bad she couldn't stay.

Her dark navy blue cloke swisher at her ankles as her heals hit the cobble stone. Her long dark hair was combed to perfection. She was always praised on her beauty. In a way, it made her arrogant.

So when her target showed no interest, her methods changed.

The cold autumn air was brisk and sharp, turning her plate cheeks a bright pink. Her blue eyes made her ethereal. Her figure was one girls would kill for; perfect curves, perfect waist, perfect everything. Her skin was flawless and looked as though it could glow.

Upon her arrival, she was greeted with a large smile by the headmistress: Minerva McGonagall. She had heard many stories about the elder woman. Most speaking of her strength and brilliance.

She was also greeted by Harry Potter. Harry Potter wasn't someone she held a high opinion on. In all actuality, she could care less about him.

"Well look what the dragon dragged in," a woman teased a man as he approached. The woman was beautiful. Her held was held high with pride. Her shoulders were posed with much grace. As the woman strolled across the room, her caramel hair flew behind her slightly. "It's nice to see you, Victor."

"Very vice to see vuo to, Nova," the man's deep voice said as he grinned.

Nova Potter, neé Potter, someone she hated. Someone she hated more than life itself. Someone she'd do anything to see suffer.

"Vello, Harry," Victor Krum greeted the green-eyed hero.

"It's nice to see you again, Victor," Harry grinned.

After a short conversation, the group of transfers left the office. They followed Minerva down to the Great Hall. Many were ogling at Nova and Harry. Both were famous across the world.

She hated them. Nova more so.

"Welcome, Tranfers!" McGonagall greeted with a smile. "Take a seat anywhere you wish!"

She made her way to the table to the farthest left. She sat next to just the person she was looking for; James Potter.

She must say, she wasn't disappointed upon seeing him. He was one of the most attractive people her eyes have ever laid upon. His hair was the perfect combination between messy and tamed. His honey eyes shone with mischief and a sense of intelligence. His tan skin only improved his appearance. He spared her a single glance before looking back at Minnie.

What the fuck? She asked herself. Not once had someone spent a millisecond looking at her.

Across from James was a girl that was also attractive. She knew instantly this was Jade Potter. She must say, Jade's beauty almost matched her own. Much like her brother, she had perfectly tanned skin. That's where their similarities ended. Jade has long golden caramel hair and vibrant green eyes.

Beside Jade was a Hispanic dressed in canary robes.

She didn't spare him a glance.

On the opposite side of James was another girl. Her long shady brown hair was pulled into a fishtail braid and her crystal blue eyes looked st the headmistress with interest.

Again, she spared her no glance.

"I am pleased you have all chosen to come to Hogwarts for your travel year," Minerva gave a small smile. "A quidditch tournament will begin within a month."

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