Can I Kiss You?

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Author's Note:
This one-shot is based on the video above. If you don't like the ship, do not leave a rude comment. The artists and the voice actors worked hard on this and they do not need hate because they did a certain ship. Subscribe and follow the following:




"Hey, Raven!" Beast Boy greeted as he walked into the room. "Can I ask you a question?"

"What is it?" She responded without looking at him as she was cleaning up.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked, causing Raven to drop what she was holding on the floor.


"Wait, what did I ask again?" He asked as he walked closer to her and helped clean.

"You know what you said." She looked at him.

"Do you know what I said?"


"Well, what did I say?"

Raven did not answer and kept cleaning. "Well?"

"Can I kiss you!?" She yelled. "Happy?" Raven asked.

"Raven, you know you don't have to ask."

She looked at him, took a deep breath, placed the book she was holding, and walked away back to her room annoyed.

"Raven, come back." He laughed as he walked to her door.

Author's note:

I hope you guys enjoyed this and I will see you this next time. Bye!



"I'm sorry, Raven. It was just a joke."

"I won't joke like that again, Rae. I promise." He leaned against the door as silence met his apology.

Beast Boy got out the door and sighed. "Alright Raven, I'll be in my room."

As soon as Beast Boy walked away, he heard footsteps and saw the doorknob move slightly when he turned around.

When the door opened, there was Raven with a small blush. They didn't exchange words as she walked toward him. Then, she put both of her hands on his face and moved forward to kiss him.

After a few seconds, she pulled away. Both of them with wide eyes and huge blushes on their face.

"H...happy now?' She asked before she went back into her room, leaving Beast Boy standing there with his mouth agape.

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