Third Wheel

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Raven went to the kitchen to get her usual cup of tea. Beast Boy came into the kitchen and saw her. He walked up behind her and gave her a kiss on her cheek. She smiled and turned around to say, "Beast Boy, you know what we agreed on." She said.

He let go of her and backed away.

"Yeah. No signs of showing that we're dating." He rolls his eyes. "But no one is here!" He finished. "The rest of the Titans are in the tower." She reminded him. "But aren't they usually the first ones up? Maybe they're not here."

"Or they are still sleeping." She picked up her steaming mug of tea. "Raven..." He whined. "They might be gone." He looked at the ground as he held on to a ray of hope.

She let out a sigh.

"Come on, we'll check if they are sleeping or not." She got up, grabbed his hand, and dragged him down the hallway.

"Starfire? You there?" She knocked before she opened the door. No one was there.

Same for Robin and Cyborg.

"See, they're not here. Let's go to the couch." He grabbed her hand before she pulled him back. "Are you not worried that our friends are missing without a trace?"

"Starfire is an alien, Cyborg is half robot and Robin has a stick. They'll be fine. Now, can I at least get a hug?" He asked as he held his hands out for a hug until Raven finally gave in.

A couple of seconds into the hug, a door opened. "Hey, guys!" A familiar voice behind them said before Raven and Beast Boy jumped away from each other.

"Cyborg!? What are you doing here?" Beast Boy asked. "I live here with the rest of you."

"We checked if you were in your room and you weren't." She said.

"Oh, I was in the bathroom." He responded. "So, what's going on here?"

"Um, nothing!" Raven responded. "I don't understand why you guys tried to hide the fact that you guys are dating."

"You knew?" Beast Boy asked. "Well, now I do." Cyborg laughed as looked at the two looking at each other with worry in their eyes.

"Don't worry. I won't tell them." He reassured him.

"I'm going to get something to eat and then I'll be in my room." He said before he walked away to the kitchen.

Before Raven could even react, Beast Boy put one arm under her legs while the other supported her back. "Beast Boy, what are you doing?" She whispered angrily. "I'm taking you to the couch so we can watch that movie you've been talking about for the past week." He said as he started to walk. Raven immediately wrapped her arms around his neck so she wouldn't fall. A few steps later, she was plopped down on the couch later to find her boyfriend sitting down next to her. "Have you seen the remote, Rave?" Beast Boy asked before she started to look around until she found it. "Here you go."

A few minutes into the movie, the young couple was still sitting down on the sofa with Beast Boy's arm around her back and Raven had her head on his chest.

Everything was great. There was no longer this weight keeping them down. Someone finally knew about their relationship. It was finally perfect.

Until it wasn't.

"Hey, guys!" Cyborg said. "Raven! Is that the movie you were talking about?"

"Yeah, me and Beast Boy were"

"I wanted to see that for weeks!" He interrupted as he sat in the middle of them.

Cyborg was still on the couch while the two looked at each other behind his head.

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