All I could see when I closed my eyes was the man staring at me with that nasty look while holding me tightly and every time I looked around I was alone with him.

I groaned softly turning on my lamp on my night stand then reaching over on the other side of my bed to grab my computer pulling it on top of my lap. I bring my thumb up to my lip nervously bitting it as I search on google. I didn't know where to start or what to search because I have no information on this guy besides knowing what he looks like.

• • •

I jumped out of bed hearing my door being knocked at almost falling out of bed at how loud it was getting. I let out a small groan wipping the drool from my mouth tiredley walking to my door. "Jesus fucking Christ I'm right here." I mumble tiredly rubbing my eyes to see a panicked Tyler standing in front of me sighing in relief to see me.

"I've been knocking for a decade trying to see if you were alive in here, It's 2 in the afternoon." She sighs crossing her arm over her chest widening my eyes.

I was up almost all night trying to find this guy and after all the digging I found exactly what I was looking for. Adam Heart CEO of Hearts Agency, worked with celebrity's and actors but mainly performers like our showgirls helping them get onto Broadway etc. It was disgusting to read that he mostly worked with women and there was no doubt in mind that what he did to me he's done it on many occasions I couldn't allow someone like that to be around the show girls. I was planning to head over to my dads house and let him know everything, my father is a horrible dad but I know he wouldn't allow such things to happen as long as he was in charge.

I ended up eating breakfast/lunch with Tyler before getting ready throwing on some leggings and a oversized crew neck with my white Chunky shoes. I skipped on the makeup because there was no used I wasn't seeing anyone important. I grabbed my purse off my hanger along with my keys and my phone rushing out blowing Tyler a kiss goodbye before waking down to the garage and getting in my car. It was as if I was in a movie when the main character discovers something that will change the fate of the earth but only has a short amount of time left to do it. I should really stop watching old movies with Tyler.

As I pull into my parents driveway I notice my mothers and fathers car but there's a third car parked out front I've never seen before. I raise my eyebrow in confusion but shrug it off walking inside to hear small chatters coming from up the stairs then looking to my right to see my mother sitting down in the living room watching TV.

I really didn't want to have any conversation with her right now, the only conversation I wanted to have was with my father. I sneak upstairs knowing exactly where he was, his office like always. But from what I'm hearing he wasn't alone there was another voice in his office that caught my attention. I quietly knock on the door hearing the voices from the other side come to a stop then hearing footsteps approaching the door as it swings open. I come to contact with my father who's staring at me with a confused expression.

"I'm in the middle of something." He clears his throat as I look over his shoulder to see the familiar face from lastnight, the person I'm here to talk about Adam Heart. My heart skips a beat feeling my chest tighten as he grin at me, I look up at my dad quickly avoiding any eye contact feeling my throat swell from fighting every urge I had in me to cry.

"C-can we talk in private it's u-urgent." I stutter feeling the palm of my hands sweat, god I didn't know my body could produce that much sweat.

He looks at me for a minute before looking over his shoulder mouthing some words that have Adam get up walking through the door making sure his finger tips graze against my skin causing me to flinch at his touch squinting my eyes shut before rushing inside my fathers office quickly. My father closes the door behind us giving me a strange look at my jumpy behavior. I stood quietly trying to find the right words but it seemed like my mind went blank once I saw Adam was here. God I could gag all over this white carpet right now-

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