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So you wanna start a war.

After my shift was over I rushed to my car to put on a hoodie hiding the new bruising mark on my arm

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After my shift was over I rushed to my car to put on a hoodie hiding the new bruising mark on my arm. I didn't want Tyler asking questions because I really wasn't in the mood to talk about it, it's already been a rough night all I wanted was to go home and sleep that's all. As I wait I rest my elbow against the door leaning my head on the window see everyone coming out one by one talking to one another, my eyes then land on the dickhead from earlier seeing him shake my dads hand before walking off and making eye contact with me. I freeze in my seat seeing a small grin curve onto his lips sending me a small wink before looking away.

I couldn't even react because the passenger door swings open seeing a smiling Tyler hop in. I glance over her with a smile, she raises her eyebrow once she sees I'm wearing a hoodie. "Aren't you hot in that thing?" She question while putting on her seat belt.

"They Um had the AC by the bar on the whole night" I lied pulling out of the parking spot quickly playing my music so she wouldn't have to ask anymore questions. Eventually we arrived home sooner then I thought since their was no traffic thankfully. I dragged myself through our front door switching the lights on in the apartment before throwing my shoes off my feet in the corner next to the door. I hear Tyler walk behind me closing the door and proceeding to do the same thing.

"Tyler?" I turn around to face her crouching down trying to remove her heals sending me a struggling hum. "Did my Um my dad mention to you and the girls who those guys were that came in with him?" I ask her nervously pulling on the ends of my sleeve as she stops what she's doing and looks up at me.

"Yeah, they work for some agency I don't really remember they did talk to us for awhile about some things but their words went through one ear and out the other, as usual." She pauses finally removing her shoes standing up straight to face me. "The rehearsal were actually auditions, I guess the agency works with some A List performers and clothing lines and were looking for upcoming stars I don't know something around those words." She explains to me as I send her a small nod.

It didn't make sense, and I had a horrible gut feeling. Normally agency's are suppose to be professional at all times and what I witness was not professional in the slightest. Something seemed off. Maybe I'm overthinking and I just needed some rest.

"Oh" was all I could let out looking up from my feet to meet her eyes giving me a concerned look. "Um I-Im really tired I'm going to sleep..." I stutter quickly leaving her sight and rushing to my room taking a deep breath as I shut my door. I quickly strip of my uniform placing on just a big t-shirt and leaving myself in my panties, I was too tired to wear parents.

I grab my uniform off the ground walking into my bathroom and placing it in the laundry basket turning around to walk back into my room but stopping as I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Slowly turning around the once red mark is now turning into a darker shade of red lifting my sleeve over my shoulder to get a better look. You could see his finger prints that wrapped around my arm, all five of them from how harshly he was holding onto to me. I slightly grazed my finger over it letting out a sigh as I pulled my sleeve back down walking back to my bed laying down and staring up at the ceiling. As much as I tried shutting my eyes and trying to sleep, I couldn't.

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