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I was sure, that was my truth. I would die there, and they would know I wasn't wrong. That what I was so desperately looking for, encountered me.

But faith didn't smile upon me, it laughed instead, as the boy ran. He ran away, like I was the scary creature. My heart sank; I was ready for it. To tell the world what happen. But now, now I have nothing – I thought. He ran and took my chance.

Why didn't he give me meaning? Was I hopeless?

I took a few more steps closer to the lifeless creature. A deer, I remember my mind acknowledging. A big one for such a scrawny boy.

I felt a tear run down my cheek and I wondered if it was disappointment or bliss.

I didn't find nothing, this time, I actually found something. Maybe I was meant to do something else – I thought. Not just tell the world with my death, but something... meaningful.

I didn't know his name at the time, but I thanked him with my whole heart.

I thought of running after him, but he would be long gone due to how fast he was. So, I ran back, I ran like I've never ran before. Even with my chubby body, I was fast, for a human that is. But I wasn't fast enough, because when I exited the forest, I could see my teacher panicking over by the bus.

She screamed my name, with her annoying voice, when she saw me walking to her. She screamed at me and asked where I was as she ran to hug me. It wasn't out of affection whatsoever. She was just glad I didn't get her into trouble.

When she finished her rambling about me not leaving the group – with the whole class staring at me like I was a psychopath – we went back to the bus.

I sat back on my sit and put my head against the window, like before in my melancholy, but this time, I had something to live for.

I could tell the girl next to me felt uncomfortable, but I didn't care, I was happy.

I stared at the trees passing by with excitement. Maybe I'll convince my parents to take me to the beach, I thought with enthusiasm.

My eyes scrolled through the trees yet again, but this time, they had a little surprise.

Within the mist, I saw the boy looking back at the bus, no blood to be seen, yet not alone. A man hovered behind him. They both watched the bus as it passed by, nothing written on their faces. And then reality hit.

Would they follow me? Would they come to my house? Would they kill my parents? – all of a sudden, I had all this questions on my little mind.

I didn't want them to get hurt, they did their best to understand me.

I recall how fear struck me, but not an exciting kind of fear. Actually, at that time, it was a fear I've never felt before.

I should have died, my mind whispered to me, over and over.

The rest of the trip back home, I contemplated my insanity. My need for this unknown thing, for this frightful thing, was so selfish. I never wanted my parents to die, they were so nice to me. They saved me from my fate. They chose me, took me in and raised me...

I remember when I got back home, I froze at the entrance wondering what I should do. Eventually, I convinced myself they wouldn't come, because they had no way of knowing where I lived. But I stopped myself yet again, wondering if they were already there. I listened quietly at the front door, for signs of life. I ignored the wildlife behind me and focused inside. For a while, I heard nothing. But then, out of nowhere, footsteps. Fait at first, but as they got lauder I realised, they were coming my way. Before I could decide if I should run away, my mother opened the door, asking if everything was alright. I think that moment, was only the start of my paranoia.

Ultimately, night came and after we said our good nights my parent and I went to bed. I covered myself with the covers of my bed and waited for them to fall asleep. Around midnight I slowly walked downstairs, walked to the window at the back of our house, and stood there, waiting... Just like when I was a kid.

Looking out for ghosts again? – I remember my dad's sweet voice calling out to me as he touched my shoulder. He's touch woke me from my wait. I also remember his surprised expression when I turned to look at him.

My voice cracked from not speaking in a while when I said no.

He smiled and asked me what else would I be doing at two in the morning, jokingly, but I could tell he was worried.

I simply said that we should move, that I didn't like that house.

I remember his hand petting my head, just like when I was a kid. And I remember his smile as he nodded and kissed my head.

"I'm sorry daddy." My voice came as a whisper as I remembered his sweetness.

Apparently, my dad was the one that found me that night. He called out to me, but I never answered, so he called my mom. After that, he found me again. And every night, like clockwork, at midnight I would wake up. My dad would be at the stairs, waiting for me. He followed me to our living room as I stared out to our backyard.

He tried calling me, in the beginning. But all those nights, I never answered, so he just stayed with me. Every night. Until 3 AM, he would stay with me.

At three in the morning, I would turn back and walk up the stairs to my bed, he would tuck me in and finally go to sleep.

I think I never got better. He just stopped telling my mom... and me.

Or maybe, considering his surprised look, maybe he never stopped calling out to me.

Author's note: 

What do you think of her relationship with her parents? Do you have any hints on her sleepwalking?

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