Chapter 53: Young Stag vs. Young Wolf

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"You want me to tell you the truth? Fine. I did agree to let Theon go, but only on the pretense that he would procure gifts for the wedding. I did not, however, expect that this was going to happen."

"You have had every opportunity to tell me the truth back at King's Landing, yet you did nothing. No, instead I had to learn about it from Lord Walder Frey on my way up here when I crossed the Trident. Among other things, like promises you made him and broke?"

"An arrangement my own mother made for me when I called my father's bannermen to lift the siege at King's Landing last year. And how is that relevant to Theon in what way?"

"How many promises did you renege on? One? Two? Why hide that? What else are you hiding from me? I had to clean up your mess on the way up here. I lost 10,000 men to make this possible. Did you think that was fair?"


"Theon Greyjoy was a valuable hostage, a leverage used to keep his father in line. If he were to ever try anything again, you were to do your duty and behead Theon by oath. But instead, you chose to go behind my back and freed him without my knowledge or consent. And now look at what happened. Are you... are you that heedless, that fucking stupid?"

Robb was getting angry. The North was attacked, and the King was criticizing him for one simple mistake? Friend or no, he didn't intend to let this slide. "Look, Daveth," he said firmly. "You're angry. I get it. I am too. I know I shouldn't have done it, but I did it anyway. But getting pissed off and pointing fingers at me isn't going to help anyone at this moment. Once Theon's back in our custody, then I'll deal with it and set things right."

Daveth looked out of the corner of his right eye and saw someone familiar approaching. "Now would be as good a time as any," he pointed.

Robb turned and saw Roose Bolton's bannermen led by Locke dragging Theon Greyjoy in chains, throwing him to the mud.

"Lord Stark, Your Grace," Locke greeted. "I give you Balon Greyjoy's surviving son and heir, Theon Greyjoy."

Theon, still in chains, lifted himself up off the ground and looked at Robb and Daveth in a very long time. Resuming his stoicism, Daveth looked at Theon indifferently, showing neither hatred nor spite. Theon couldn't tell which honestly frightened him more – believing he was going to be sentenced to death anyway despite his help. Robb, on the other hand, noticed the dried blood and bruises on his face.

"You assaulted him," he realized.

Theon sighed wearily. "I've... I've had worse than this, Robb." Though he tried to lighten his 'situation', his standing was still in precarious one.

Locke wasn't pleased with the accusation from his liege lord. This is a war, after all. "We caught him close to the shore. His brethren blew up some of our ships trying to get away."

"That's not true! You guys had me chained up, bound and gagged since Winterfell!"

"Then how come some of the King's ships were caught in the explosion?"

Daveth glanced between Locke and Theon, irritatingly listening to both sides bickering back and forth like children. He felt a headache coming.

"What of my brothers? Bran and Rickon?" Robb demanded. "What did you do to them?"

Theon shook his head. "I never laid a hand on them, Robb!"

"Where are they?!"

"I sent them to the Wall, some run-down keep called Eastwatch-by-the-Sea! That wildling lass we took hostage two years ago, Osha, I think her name was, and that big fella Hodor's with them both."

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