Chapter one

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Karasuno high school, the fallen powerhouse, wasn't the biggest school in Miyagi prefecture

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Karasuno high school, the fallen powerhouse, wasn't the biggest school in Miyagi prefecture. Yet, somehow Hotaru Matsumoto was unbelievably lost. The school year had just started and as a first year Hotaru wasn't used to the layout of the larger school.

Just as gym class began, Hotaru was pulled to the side by his teacher, who claimed that he was a trustworthy student and was tasked to hand over a note to a teacher that would be in the teachers office. Not knowing how to deny the request or even explain that he didn't know where the office was, Hotaru was swiftly ushered out of the gym.

Currently the boy was wandering about the empty halls looking for the teachers office. Clad in the schools gym tracksuit Hotaru turned quietly down another corridor. Wandering down slowly with a small envelope clutched in his in his right hand, Hotaru prayed that someone preferably a teacher would appear and ask him what he was doing.

Looking out the window to his left Hotaru stopped for a moment and sighed.

I'd rather be running right now.

It was a nice day, not too warm but warm enough to comfortably sit outside with a t-shirt on. Hotaru's class was currently out on the field doing laps, he could see them clearly running spread out following the tracks.

Hearing footsteps echoing across the previously empty corridor Hotaru quickly turned. Thinking it was a teacher heading towards him, he opened his mouth to explain himself.

Now Hotaru wasn't what you would call a social person. His petite stature and slightly feminine looks for a boy his age never gave him much confidence, pair that with his meek attitude and his affinity for hurting himself or others due to be very clumsy never made him many friends. So it's fair to say that he hasn't had much experience with friendly confrontation.

In the half a second it took Hotaru to turn from the window to whoever was coming towards him, he had mentally prepared for it to be a teacher, someone kind looking and friendly. Who it was, was someone that Hotaru would describe to be the complete opposite of kind and friendly.

Stomping towards him was a boy that could only be described as a delinquent. Tall, short buzz cut hair and a mean looking face with angry eyes that were trained solely on Hotaru's small frame.

Flinching Hotaru unconsciously took a step back after seeing the guy. Spinning on the ball of his foot he began to speed walk stiffly away from the approaching boy.

Nope nope nope. Not today. He looks so scary.


Hotaru flinched with the contact of a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey you. What do you think you're doing here." The boy growled turning Hotaru around to face him. "This is the second year floor."

His voice was gruff and angry? Looking up blue eyes met brown, yep definitely angry Hotaru frowned staring up at his senior.

"Sorry."he said trying to move away from the older boys grip without tripping.

"You're lost right!" His voice was loud, echoing off the ways of the empty hallway. His voice was intimidating to the first-year, all of him was intimidating.

Staring down at Hotaru, the older boys' eyes seemed to sharpen as the younger stuttered. "You didn't answer my question."

"I'm sorry." Hotaru stuttered out. Why was this delinquent so intimidating, tears began to kiss the corners of his lashes. "I am so sorry." He said bowing deeply.

Squeezing his fists at his side, crumpling the note in his hand Hotaru's cheeks started to burn with embarrassment. I'm supposed to be a man why am I getting upset over this!

The tears had fallen by now, not looking back at the boy Hotaru turned on the balls of his feet and took off down the hallway.

Left standing in the corridor alone was Ryunosuke Tanaka. Bewildered, the second year stood frozen his hand still hovering in midair. What in hell just happened he frowned. Did ... Did I just make her cry!

"Argh! I can't believe I did that!" He shouted clutching the sides of his head squatting down on the  floor.

A bang of a door opening from the end of the hallway, snapped Tanaka out of his thoughts. A short haired woman poked her head out of the class. "Oi! Tanaka? What are you doing shouting, get back to class!"

"S-sorry!" He scrambled up off the ground and back to his class, the place he was heading just before.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2021 ⏰

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