Ch.7 Search and Destroy Part 2

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The still-horrified faces of Team SCLT upon seeing their guide for the week.

Denzel: Why, hello there! Team SCLT, Who's ready for a Banger of a Good Time?

Lyn (sighs) : Denzel?

Liana : Denzel? Your Brother?

Vins: Wait, your telling us We're Overshadowing Your "Ace Student" of an Older Brother.

Lyn slowly Nods.

Denzel: Yes, Just a Reconaissance Mission and I'm assuming you all and my Boy Scout of a Brother Packed all the Essentcials? 

Team SCLT all look over at their Leader, who is very disturbed.

Soul (in his mind): This can't get any worse.  

???: Aww... going to Save the World without me are you?

They all turn to see a Ashen Haired Woman, Grey eyes, in an Atlesian Military Outfit.   

Lyn (signs): Lucy?

Vins: (whisling) Wow...

Liana and Lyn Elbow him by his sides.

Vins: Er... Hi!

Soul: And of course she's our Pilot. 

Lucy: (to Soul and Lyn) Aww... don't both you miss us?

Lyn: Of course we do.

She then elbows Soul.

Soul: (annoyed) Fine, Maybe a Little...

Lucy:  Now, I'm Hoping our little brother ain't too much trouble is he?

Liana: Oh No, not at all He's a great Leader.

Vins: If Anything you should've seen him on the Dance Last night.

Denzel: What did he do? Dance like some Fortnite Avatar when he was nine?

Soul: (deadpan) I was a Kid and Don't you Dare Mention that night!

Time Skip Bought to by Chibi Soul Trying to Knock out his Embarassing Older Brother during the Flight.

Denzel: The southeast side of Vale is home to wild forests and deep caves, but it is also the location to one of the Vale's greatest tragedies.

Lyn (signs): Mountain Glenn.

Soul: Exactly! I read up on this place it was an expansion of Vale... but in the end it was overrun by Grimm and it was then Sealed off from the rest of the city and now it stands abandoned.

Liana: And a likely place for a villain hideout, But won't they have to deal with Grimm though?

Vins: Probably.

The airship comes in over a spot of street amidst the ruined buildings and structures of the ruined area. as it hovers right a few feet above the ground.

Denzel: (Calls the attention of Team SCLT) Alright! You all may be students, but right now, this is your first mission as Huntsmen and Huntresses! From this point onward, you need to do everything as I say! Do I Make myself clear? (Team SCLT nods)

They All Dive out of the Airship Starting with Lyn Summoning a Nevermore Which her and Vin Hop on.

Vins: See you down there!

Everyone Nods

They Glide Down and Land on the Ground.

Liana uses her Semblance to Float her way Down.

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