Ch.5 May I Have This Dance?

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Team SCLT are Helping out on Decorating they see glum Ruby resting her head on her hand and staring into the distance before she is startled by someone slamming their palms on the table she is at.

Weiss: (smiling) I need you to pick a tablecloth. (slides two squares over to Ruby, both seeming to be similar shades of white)

Ruby: (confused) Aren't they both the same?

Soul: Winter Mood on the Left, Go for it!

Weiss: (sighs in relief) Finally!

Lyn Carries some Bags of Decorations for the Dance, While Soul, Liana & Vins Set up the Stage, DJ Booth & Lighting.

Weiss walks out of the scene as Yang comes in carrying a massive sound speaker on her shoulder, which bounces her sister and the table she's moping on again to jump in the air when she drops it on the ground.

Yang: (brushing her hands as she approaches Ruby) So, have you picked out a dress yet?

Ruby: What's the point? Who cares about the dance if Blake isn't going?

Yang: Oh, don't worry; she's going. (looks over off-screen, exasperated) Weiss! I thought we agreed: No doilies!

Vins: Yeah!

Weiss: (walks up to Yang, pointing in her face) If I don't get doilies, you don't get fog machines!

Everyone is interrupted by the sound of doors opening.

Neptune: (walking in with Sun) Your dance is gonna have fog machines?

Soul: And a Live Performance.

Yang: Still can't Believe you convince your Sister Namine to Sing Live on Stage for the Dance!

Sun: Wait, she's your What?

Neptune: Ah! Namine, Her Beauty Matches her Voice from a Goddess.

Liana Tries not to Screams like a Total Fangirl.

Weiss: Soul, Did what?!?!

Lyn (Writes): Oh great, three more of her Fans.

Soul: Well, She insisted under one Condition.

Ruby & Liana: What?

Soul: She Wanted to Meet everyone, And Especially Yang.

Flashback to 2 weeks ago.

Soul was at the Library, Contacting Namine.

Soul: Come On! Sis Help me out! we've been out for a Almost a Month, Can't Help but feel I need to do something Special.

Namine: Well, There is one song I haven't Released yet but you have to Sing to Yang.

Soul: (Glup) But...

Namine: I have heard you Sing in the Shower Few Times.

Soul: You what?!?! Haven't Played Guitar since... you know... Mother Died.

Namine: You can do it, Little Brother I'll be Backstage with you, Besides you love her don't you?

Soul: Yes but, I'll Embrass myself in infront of the Entire Student Body in Process.

Namine: In One Condition I'll Meet your Friends and your Girlfriend.

Soul: (I Dug my own Grave here) Sigh Fine... The Dance is in two weeks.

End of Flashback

Neptune: That's pretty cool.

Sun: (coming into the scene, acting suave to Weiss) You ladies all excited for dress-up?

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