Chapter 2

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A week had passed by and Ahaana loved each day excluding the classes at school and coaching institute. The school was bigger with a lot of places to explore. Wandering through the vast building, they had a merry time losing themselves in the huge hall as the 3-member friends group expanded to 5 members.


"Okay so, this is Nyra and Deepika. They're in B2. We were classmates in 9th and 10th grade" Priyanka introduced them to the chaotic duo.

Ahaana gave both girls a once over. 'She's pretty', she thought as she admired the tallest amongst the 5 of them, Nyra. Sleek umber hair tied up in a ponytail falling just below her tawny collarbones, Nyra was an inch taller than the raven haired.

"Hi I'm Ahaana" she introduced herself with a soft smile.

"Nice name!" Nyra exclaimed as she turned to the one standing beside Ahaana.

"Aadhira" the shorter girl said before they all sat down to eat lunch together.

End of flashback*

Though Ahaana was skeptical at first, she got used to the two new girls' presence as they hung out almost every other day for lunch.

She was pleased to find out that Nyra shared her music interest and books, 'Oof I don't have to tolerate her and actually be friends then'. She wasn't as extroverted to befriend everyone she conversed with so this was a little strange for her, not that she was complaining. Nyra was rather distant and hesitant with her interactions even after 3 weeks of hanging out, which didn't bother the latter considering they only knew each other for a short while.

The group was currently seated in the auditorium with other students of their grade for the Fresher's Talent Show. Except for Nyra, who was hosting it with some other guy from her class.

The students were divided into 3 sets of sections A, B and C depending on their subjects and if they're taking coaching at school for the entrance.

So Ahaana, Aadhira and Priyanka were in one of the A classes.

About 15 students showed their talents by dancing, singing or exhibiting their art pieces over the 80 minutes as two periods came to an end. Everyone were impressive and immensely talented, motivating Ahaana to show off some of her own talents in the next show.

"You know, we could dance together the next time" Aadhira suggested but Ahaana immediately turned it down.

"No. I don't want to" she said, insecurity and fear holding back the younger.

"But why? Are you scared others would say something?" Aadhira asked, already grabbing the attention of their two other friends.

Ahaana slightly nodded, looking down as fiddling with her rings.

"Hey, don't worry about what others say. They don't even have the guts to get up there. And we're here to cheer you" Priyanka promised and held her left hand, making the others nod in agreement.

"Yeah fuck them. You should definitely show your talents off" Deepika encouraged.

Not expecting their supportive words Ahaana contemplated her decision. It can't be that bad right? Right.

"Alright. Fuck 'em. We're gonna rock the stage" she finalized with a smug look plastered on her tawny face, making her friends let out a quiet "yes!" in victory. She laughed and hit their thighs.

With the added encouragement from them and Nyra, the mischievous A's performed a duet for a fusion of songs. Though few snide remarks were made by some of the scornful audience, Ahaana did not let them affect her as the good comments were a lot more than she anticipated.

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