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A little review~

Seungmin and Hyunjin just sit in silence not wanting to sorted everything out. Seungmin want to tell them but he is too cautious of his pride that he can't make himself tell it.

The same goes with Hyunjin, he is too stone headed that he can't talk about it. Both of them just sit in silence glare coming out from its if their eyes. 


Author p.o.v

Seungmin:*sigh* I'm *pause* sorry.
Hyunjin:*taken back* Huh?
Seungmin:*sigh* I don't know what have gotten into me. *take a deep breath* That day everything feels wrong. Everything. I can't write lyrics right, I- *pause* can't form a good melody, and I even messed up on the choreography. *sigh* I'm really sorry.

Seungmin start sniffing as he is telling the story of his side. He start to tear up little by little. He looks up and hide his face not wanting to let the others see his crying face. Felix who is seated by the side lent Seungmin his shoulder and letting him to cry on his shoulder.

Hyunjin's body start to shake. Emotion suddenly come to him and messed his mind up. His body is trembling and his eyesight start to blur. Little sniff and sob escape his lips catching the members attention cause no one predicted that two of their members will cry.

Hyunjin:*trying hard not to sob* I'm sorry! I-I was too caught up in my own world that I got stressed and shout at you guys. I'm sorry. Its *pause* it's just Chan hyung told me to take care of this team b-but I don't know how to take care of it like how Chan hyung did it. Chan hyung did it so perfectly but I can't! I don't know how! I want to be as perfect as Chan hyung but I can't! I can't!
Jeongin:*carefully* Hyung, why don't you share it with us?
Hyunjin:*sob* I can't. I don't wanna make you guys feel burdened. We have come through lots of hardship and I think it's enough. I- *pause* want the best for us. I want us to be like how we used to. Just like how when hyungs were here with us.
Jeongin:*worried* Hyung, *slowly* we are here for you. You can tell us everything. We always shared our problems remember?
Jisung:*sigh* Sorry for getting worked up and shout at you guys. What Jeongin's say is true. *take a deep breath* No matter how perfect Chan hyung is, sometimes he also share his problems with us. Specifically, me and Changbin hyung. Words just came out when we are composing and he could end up crying in the studio.
Hyunjin:*sobbing* I-I never know that.
Jisung:*sadly smile* Yeah, cause he actually never want us to know. But sometimes, things just pour out naturally.

Jeongin leave the rest and went to the kitchen to grab them some waters. He feel like he need to give them some space to talk. They are all the same age after all. Hyunjin and Seungmin continue to pour out all of their problems that have been bottling in them. Jisung and Felix followed shortly. They who have been seated on the floor end up being a crying mess and hugging each other. Whisper of 'sorry' and 'thank you' are heard here and there. Jeongin who have carefully watch them as they all poured all their problems out slowly approach them and take a seat on the circle they are forming.

Jeongin:*whisper* Hyung, I know I'm not in the position to say these. *take a deep breath**smile softly* Thank you for being so strong for the group. Thank you for keep being positive and encourage one another. Thank you for not stopping halfway. Thank you for being such a nice hyungs for me.
Thank you for being there with me through these days.
Felix:*smile**hold Jeongin's hand* Thank you for lending your ears for us and opening your arms when we need someone by our side.
Jeongin:*smile* We are doing good! I'm sure hyungs are proud of us!
Jisung:*wipe his tears**chuckle* We are doing good because we have each other!
Hyunjin:*smile* Let's promise to share our burdens together!
Seungmin:*smirk* And food?
Hyunjin:*not expecting that* Food?! No! The chocolate ice cream is mine!
Felix:*surprised* It's yours?!
Hyunjin:*raise an eyebrow* Why?
Felix:*nervous chuckle* I may or may not ate it.
Hyunjin:*dramatic gaps* You what?!

Felix quickly sprint away from Hyunjin as if he has predicted that he will be chase by him. Seungmin on the other hand eyes Jisung suspiciously as if he knows that the squirrel boy is hiding something. Jisung keeps dodging his stare.

Seungmin:*raise an eyebrow* Jisung?
Jisung:*nervous chuckle* Yes?
Seungmin:*raise an eyebrow* You didn't take any?
Jisung:*nervous chuckle* Did I?
Seungmin:*smirk**shout* Hyunjin! There is another one who ate yours!
Hyunjin:*dramatic gaps* Show yourself!
Seungmin:*smirk* Goodbye.
Jisung:*dramatic gaps* You betrayed me!
Jeongin:*shake his head* Hyung, when will all of you grow up?
Seungmin:*laugh* I don't think they will ever grow up.
Jeongin:*sigh* I'll go to my room for a nap.
Seungmin:*followed Jeongin* I'll go with you.

Video call with Minho~

Minho:*excited* Hello!
Seungmin: Feeling better hyung?
Minho:*excited* Cause I'm with my children!
Jisung:*pout* Somehow I got jealous of your cats.
Minho:*snickered* You should.
Jeongin: Have you go to doctor?
Minho: Yeah, my mom took me to the doctor two days ago.
Jisung: Any improvement?
Minho: The doctor told me that I can go back to routine in two month.
Felix:*surprised* Two months?! That fast?!
Minho:*raise an eyebrow* Three months are consider as fast?
Felix:*shrugged* My friend need at least half year.
Minho:*smirk* I don't think he only take time to rest.
Felix:*shrugged* Probably.
Minho:*excited* Oh, let me hear the edited track! Did you guys rewrite the lyrics?
Seungmin: We added some new tracks instead.
Minho:*confused* New track?
Seungmin:*nod* Yeah, the company decide to release an edited version of the album. Main track is our songs but the edited.
Minho: Choreography?
Hyunjin: Nah, we don't change any. Just position and timing.
Minho:*excited* Yes! Less work for me!
Jeongin:*laugh* It's not like you are called to learn it hyung.

Video call with Minho and Chan~

Minho:*excited* Chan hyung!
Jeongin:*excited* Chan hyung!
Felix:*Aussie accent* Looking good mate.
Chan:*laugh* I see that all of you are still the same!
Minho: I know right. As loud as they used to be.
Seungmin:*rolled eyes* Yeah, that loud untill I felt like I'm deaf.
Chan:*laugh* It is expected when Minho is not there to control you.
Hyunjin:*rolled eyes* Hyung, you said it as if Minho hyung is the one who make the dorm in peace.
Minho:*protest* I am!
Seungmin:*raise an eyebrow* Are you hyung?
Jeongin:*excited* Chan hyung! Where is berry?
Minho:*dramatic* Why don't you get that excited when you saw my babies?!
Hyunjin: You mean your three kittens hyung?
Minho:*dramatic* You don't even know my babies now?!
Chan:*shake his head**pick Berry up* Berry says hey!
Jeongin:*excited* Berry!

Talk with manager and company staff~

Manager: Can you finished your preparation in two weeks?
Hyunjin: Two weeks should be enough for us.
Felix: Will we start our promotions in two weeks?
Manager: Yes, it has been one month from the accident and looking by how all of you kept practicing, it times for you to continue your promotion.
Staff: We have put your name for some broadcast shows.
Seungmin: Will we have fan meeting or fan sign?
Staff: We are trying to schedule one or two fan meeting for you. For fan sign it's harder knowing how the three of you still absent.
Jeongin: It's better not to have any fan sign for the meantime.
Staff: For now, we will put your group name for broadcast shows only. We will ask for your opinion for fan meeting or hi-touch event.
Hyunjin:*bow* Thank you for thinking about us.
Staff: It's okay, we will have another talk again once you start your promotion.
Jeongin:*bow* Thank you.
Jisung:*bow* We will work harder!
Felix:*bow* We won't let you down!
Hyunjin:*bow* We will raise up to your expectations!

Phone call~

Manager:*call Hyunjin* Hyunjin!
Hyunjin:*confused* Yes hyung?
Manager:*panic* Prepare the others and come to the hospital.
Hyunjin:*confused* Hospital? Why hyung?
Manager:*panic* Changbin is showing sign of waking up.
Hyunjin:*surprised* Changbin hyung?! We are on our way hyung!

Hyunjin:*happy**shout* Guys!
Jisung:*surprised* Chill. We are just here what with the shouting?
Seungmin:*sleepy* It's better be something nice.
Jeongin: Yes hyung?
Hyunjin:*happy* Changbin hyung is showing sign of waking up! Let's get ready to hospital now!
Felix:*surprised* Changbin hyung has wake up?!
Hyunjin: He hasn't wake up but showing sign of waking up. Let's go now!
Jeongin:*running* I'll take my phone first!
Seungmin:*panic* I'll book a cab for us!
Felix:*happy* Don't take too much thing! Let's just go!
Jisung: I'm ready!

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