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Rachel's POV

2 months later

Today's my due date but nothing has happened. No water broke, no contractions, no nothing.

I was so worried that I called Marcó right away and told him to get home as quickly as he could and when he came I rushed outside the fastest I could.

"Did your water break?" I shake my head at him and he raised an eyebrow at that

"But today's your due date, let's go to the hospital" he opens the door for me then helps me into the car and making sure I'm comfortable before he closes my door and gets in himself driving off to hospital.

We get there and he lifts me up then hurriedly brings me inside yelling for a doctor to come check on me.

Turns out nothing is wrong, the baby just isn't ready to come yet and I'm so scared right now. Marcó is excited but he's also nervous and scared, he's scared that he won't be a good dad or that he'll hurt the baby or something.

"I want to go home" I whine for probably the hundredth time for the day

"The doctor said he'll be back soon" I sigh wanting nothing but to be in bed sleeping

"He's taking too long" I say making Marcó chuckle

"Babygirl just be patient, am sure he'll be back soon" he says and as he pecks my forehead the doctor comes in

"I'm releasing you now but tomorrow I want you both to come in" I nod as Marcó helps me off the bed

"Thank you baby" I say then peck his lips making him smile before lifting me again then exiting the building and carrying me home

"I'll cook tonight, you need to get some rest" he says and I don't object, I slowly make my way upstairs into our room where I remove my clothes throwing them in the hamper then I take a shower.

Getting out the bathroom, I head into our closet where I pull on a maternity dress and polka dot socks, after getting dressed I put back my towel where I got it.

I get in bed under the covers and cuddle into my pillows and sheets. My eyes close voluntarily and I give into the darkness.

Marcó's POV

I was dealing with somethings when my babygirl called me saying that I should come quick so I stopped what I was doing because I thought her water broke so I hurriedly made my way home but when I got there and making my up to the door she came outside with a force almost knocking me over.

She cried then we started talking about what happened so when she told me her water didn't break I might have looked calmed to her but I was freaking out so I got inside the car then to the hospital.

I picked her up and hurriedly went inside the hospital yelling for a doctor to attend to her and soon enough she's being attended to so I sigh.

After finding out that nothing is wrong and that the baby just isn't ready to come as yet, I sigh relieved at the news then he said we were to come back again tomorrow so now we're home and I'm in the kitchen cooking while she's upstairs sleeping.

She has been listening to me a lot more now because she hasn't done any house chores or anything like that, I'd only allow her to cook and wash sometimes.

I'm afraid of losing her. I'm scared of being a dad because I don't want my kids to grow up without me because of my lifestyle so I'm scared.

I just have to be the best that I can be for Rachel and the babies and so far I'm doing a good job.

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