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Marco's POV

I'm Marcó Angelo DelRio. I'm a gangster but kept it from my girl because I didn't want her to be afraid of me just because of who I am. I know lying isn't the way to go but I had to because I needed her and I still need her.

I take care of her and make sure that everything is okay. I started using a different number because I want her to be safe and if anything happens she can easily call the new number and get me because I hardly use the other number unless I'm at the base.

I know a lot has happened and she's confused as to why I react some ways but I never tell her and I know she has questions but I never address the issue.

Right now I'm heading home to bring her out on a ship to have one of our weekly dates so I can ask her to marry me. I hope she says yes. I love her so much that I'd die for her and now she's carrying my baby so I know I have to be extremely careful now that she's pregnant because she's very emotional and I know that if I want to keep her from crying then I'll have to keep things the way they are now.

I park and get out then walk to our front door and ring the bell.

"I'm coming, I'm coming, hold on" I hear her saying sounding like she's out of breath so I start worrying

"Baby, are you okay?" I ask and she doesn't reply so I start worrying more until the door opens and she stands there breathing heavily

"I'm okay baby, I overslept" I sigh out of relief then laugh at her a little while she pouts at me adorably

"Are you ready?" she gives me a twirl so I look at her from head to toe only to realise that she's wearing a new dress I bought along with a pair of new slippers too.

"Muy bonita mi reina" she blushes and walks out the door to the car so I close the door locking it then go and open the car door for her

We head off to the ship but she doesn't know because I blindfolded her so when I get to the lot I park then lead her to the deck and onto the ship. She shivers from the cold air so I removed my jacket and covered her shoulders and hands from the cold air.

I then remove the blindfold from her eyes and throw it away only to see her looking around then walk about 5 ft away from me then turn around looking at me eyes full of water.

"Babygirl, what's wrong?" she breaks down completely so I rush to her and she collapses to the floor as I keep looking at her as she cries her heart out, I whisper soothing words into her ear and soon enough she's calm so we stay there for a while.

"Nothing is wrong baby, I just wasn't expecting this much for our date tonight and I'm realizing that I don't deserve you" she sniffles while saying only for me to frown

"That's how you feel? Don't ever feel that way Rachel. I'm the one who doesn't deserve you sweetheart" if only she knew that I meant it

"Come on let's go have dinner" I said and she smiles softly at me while I get her to her feet


We had dinner so now it's time for dessert which will be chocolate cake with the ring inside.

The waiter comes and places the cake in front of her and she smiles then the waiter gives her a knife to cut it so when she cuts it and places the slice on her plate, I get down on one knee as she holds the ring in-between her index finger and thumb turning to me.

"Will you Rachel Bry Wint, marry me?" her eyes are full again and the tears roll down her face heavily while she nods so I stand pulling her up with me slipping the ring on her finger.

We sway slowly and soon the music starts to play so we dance until she gets tired I lead her back to our table to sit and labour her breathing.

"Are you trying to kill me?" she asked making me laugh at her expression

"No, I would never babygirl" I say as I calm down from laughing

"I wanted to ask you for so long then we started having weekly dates so I thought why not slip it into one of those nights and that's what I did" she blushes before kissing me breathless

"I had a blast tonight baby" I smile hearing that 'cause all I want is for her to be happy

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself baby cause once you're here I'll enjoy myself no matter what" she blushes crimson and I stand then pull her from her seat so we can leave.

"It's time to go home now sweetheart" she nods then slowly makes her way off the boat.

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