(Spirited away) haku x fem reader (fluff) so cute~

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in this oneshot you and haku are already dating and this will be all from chihiro's pov~

chihiro's pov

the bath-house was closed today so i wondered around trying to find haku, when i last saw him it was like he was hiding something and then he just suddenly left, so i wanted to figure out why

i walked for a while stumbling upon this beautiful open field there were flowers and beautiful trees with vines falling from them with small while flowers in them thats when i heard laughter, i walked closer to this laughter when i heard someone speaking i had never heard this voice before "come on you really cant catch me~ come on you slow poke~~" i looked closer and saw this very pretty girl , she had beautiful e/c eyes that shined in the sun and this beautiful smile that just seemed so contagious , her laughter made me smile it sounded heavenly.

thats when i saw who she was talking to was ....HAKU! he was also smiling he had ran and hugged her they both fell to the floor laughing 

"SO CUTE!" is what i thought i said in my head but when they both looked at me i knew i didnt i smiled shyly "hi?"

"sen what are you doing here are you not meant to be working?" haku got up and raised an eyebrow walking to me "haku i pretty sure the bath house is closed today i think thats what lin said then again i wasn't listening that well oops~" i nodded in agreement to what the lady had said speaking of her , she got up and dusted herself off walking to me purposely bumping shoulders with haku i tried to hind my laugh

"sen was it~? im y/n nice to meet you , the reason you've never seen me before is because i dont live anywhere near here im a sprit that works for Zeniba , im kinda like what haku is for Zeniba's sister whats her name again?" haku walked forward and wrapped his arms around y/n "Yubaba her name is Yubaba i've told you multiple times y/n" y/n laughed and shrugged 

"sen~?" i looked at y/n and hummed "your a human right?" i nodded my head "yes yes i am why?" she smirked "nothing nothing" haku let go of her and softly hit the back of her head "y/n enough your scaring sen" to which y/n only laughed and walking from haku and stuck her hand out to me "so sen you think were cute huh~ well of course you do im the cutest thing ever~ no but seriously you did say that kinda loud" i awkwardly smiled "im sorry you both kinda shocked me then you guys were so cute your dating right?!"

y/n smirked and walked over to haku and kissed him "yep~" haku's eyes widened as i laughed "y/n! ugh what do i do with you" y/n laughed "hey sen come here" 

i walked over to her when i got closer to her , she smiled widely thats when i saw small fangs i got scared and jumped back y/n seemed confused until haku spoke up "relax sen she only has them because she's a snake spirt" my eyes widened i went to speak then noticing how it was getting later "im sorry you both but i need to go i promise lin to do something for her goodbye y/n i hope to see you again!" i ran off 

y/n's pov

"hey haku~ that sen girl seems nice~"

he nodded and gave me a small sweet kiss on my lips i returned the kiss when we separated he then gave me small kissed and in between every kiss he whispered 'why did you kiss me in front of her now she wont let me live that down'

i laughed and kissed his nose " cause i can~ now i need to leave again see you later~ love you~~"

he laughed and softly grabbed my arm hugging me again "i love you too stay safe see you in a few days my love"

i smiled and grabbed my coat and started walking to the train station knowing i would get back kinda late but i didnt care knowing i got to see haku again made me happy, knowing i could only see him like once a week but since i was stuck on a small harmless mission i couldn't see him for a while i got to the station it got suddenly cold i placed my coat on feeling something in my pocket it was a small piece of paper i opened it to see a small note

'hey beautiful i love you make sure you take care of yourself till next time stay safe my love'

it was a note from haku i smile and laughed trying to think when he placed that there thats when the train got there i boarded the train and sat down sighing happily knowing i had the best boyfriend ever~

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