Everleigh Dance competition

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Setting: July 29/30 2020

Madison POV

It was 7:35 pm and we were packing our bags again for Everleighs dance competition in Florida.

"I finished packing" Hazel says as she lays on me and Billie's bed

"Ok well go and help your mom with breakfast" I say putting the last thing in the suitcase

Hazel walks downstairs to go help Billie and I slowly open the door to Taytum and Oakleys room. Once I'm in their room I go to the closet and get out their suitcases and I start packing for them.

—————-After packing—————

Once I'm done packing I pick out their outfits for today and wake them up.

After I wake the up I get them dressed into a blue romper with daisies on it. Then  I walk downstairs where everyone else is and I put Taytum and Oakley in the playin.

I walk back upstairs to get all the suitcases and to get dressed.

I get dressed in something comfy so I put on Jamie Cotton Jersey Sweatshirt and shorts in the color navy then I do my make and curl my hair a bit .

After that I take all the suitcases down stairs and we eat breakfast.

————After breakfast———-

After we eat we all get in the car and head to finneas and Claudia's house.

———At finneas and Claudia's house-

Once we are at finneas and Claudia's house. we walk in their house and we see finneas and Henry watching tv and Claudia in the kitchen cooking something.

"Hey" Claudia says when she sees us

Claudia walks over to us and gives us hugs .

"Lillian is upstairs Everleigh is downstairs I think and Caleb is in his room" Claudia says to the kids

The kids go on their ways and me and Billie sit down on the couch next to Finnneas and Henry.

"So Everleigh excited for her competition" Billie says

"Yeah she's being doing all her tricks in the basement for the past week" Finneas says

"That cool" Billie says

——skip time to the next day——

I had woke up by getting kicked in the face by Oakleys foot. I move her foot away from my face and I get up to go get ready.

I get dressed in to a Tank top and some of Billie sweat pants. After I get dressed I go in the bathroom where Billie is taking a piss and I do my makeup.

Once Billie's done taking a piss she washes her hands and hugs me from behind.

"My baby is getting so big" Billie says rubbing my belly and kissing my neck.

Billie start singing Everything about you to my baby bump. The baby starts kicking when Billie start singing, Billie laughs when she feels the baby kick.

"I'll get Taytum and Oakley dressed" Billie says kissing my lips

Billie leaves the bathroom and I continue doing my makeup. I pull out my curling wand out my bag and I start curling my hair. After I'm done curling my hair I hear Billie , Taytum and Oakley come in the room. I look at Taytum and Oakley and I see that they're wearing Mom jeans and a Pastel blue shirt that says be kind with bees on it.

I walk out of the bathroom and Billie walks to me.

"Everyones ready to go now" Billie says picking up Taytum and Oakley

We head down stairs to the car where Finneas greets up then we go out to Finn and Claudia's rented car and get in it. Finneas look the house door and starts driving to the airport.

——————— At the airport————-
Once we are at the airport I go to a store that sells drinks and get Taytum and Oakley some orange juice. I give them their orange juice and the speakers all our gate and we go on the plane.

—————- in Florida————
(Big time jump sorry )
Once we are in Florida we book our hotel and get ready for Everleighs dance competition. I get dressed in to a white t-shirt and some Jean shorts.

Once I get dressed I go to the hotel kitchen and get Taytum and Oakleys diaper bag ready whiles I get their bag ready I get their sippy cup out and clean it and put some milk into it. After I do that I go back in the room and give Taytum and Oakley their sippy cup then I sit them down for a nap and go back to getting the dipper bag ready.

After I get the diaper bag ready I sit down on the couch and start watching tv.

After 30 minutes Billie comes in the living room with Taytum and Oakley and sit the their playpin.

"I'm going to go check and see how the other kids are going" Billie says leaving the hotel room.

"OK LOVE YOU" I yell while Billie leaves.

—————— skip time —————

It is now 8pm and I'm putting Lillian and Hazels hair in to French braids that goes out into ponytails. After I do that we leave to the dance competition place.

—————- at the place ———
Once we are at the place we go to everleighs dance room and the makeup and hair stylist come in and starts doing their job. Once they leave everliegh gets dressed in a little boy blue leotard.  We wait for them to call her name out to dance.

Once they call her name she goes out and starts doing her dance and we all cheer her on for the crowd.

Here's the chapter do you wanna know y it took me so long to do this because I hated doing it I had no idea what's was going to happen that's why. Anyways have a good day/night/evening.
Sep 12

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