Do I Even Want It Now?

Start from the beginning

It was like trying to find the gap in backstage curtains. No matter how hard or for how long I swatted at the heavy velvet fabric, the two curtains would never part, never delight me with a means to escape.

A sharp pain shot up my arm from my hands. "Ow . . ."

"She's conscious!"

I blinked open my eyes, squinting when the harsh sun glared down at me.

"Mizugumo, I apologize. I know the plan was risky, and yet I-"

"Stop talking. Who yelled my first name?" I waved Todoroki's apology away. I didn't have the heart to accept it, considering my heart was still leaping in fear from his flames.

I felt wrong for being scared of him. No quirks deserved to be hated, and plus, he's nothing like Dabi.

"Hm? Nobody said your first name . . . How do you feel? Do you need to go to the infirmary?" Midoriya leaned over me, standing next to where Todoroki was crouched. I took his outstretched hand and stumbled onto my feet.

Yanking on his hero costume to pull myself up, I awkwardly smoothed Midoriya's neckline after almost undressing him.

"No, I don't need the infirmary. Just sleep-deprived, I guess." I finally took in the situation. "Is the exam over?" Looking around, Bakugo was nowhere to be seen, and my classmates were all slowly coming back and gathering in a group.

Midoriya nodded. "Everyone was rescued, so the exam stopped. They're announcing the individual scores now."

I turned my head to see a gigantic screen that seemed to have materialized out of nowhere while I was unconscious.

"We evaluated you on a point demerit system. Basically, you all started with 100 points, and for each mistake you made, we took points off. Anything below 50 points means you failed. This is to accurately measure how you hold up during a time of crisis. For those of you who passed, your names will be on the list shown on the screen in syllabary order."

Midoriya and I both frantically scanned down the list to where "Mi" started.

Hm? That can't be right.

Frowning, I went down the list one by one.

Miya, Miyoko . . . Mononoke.


Was I disappointed? Did I feel like I failed?

Not exactly.

I felt . . . indifferent. No, that's not right. I didn't feel anything. Scanning the list once more, I noticed that neither Bakugo nor Todoroki's name was on there. I figured it was because of what happened back there.

Well, it wasn't like I was wishing on the stars to pass this exam.

"For those of you who didn't pass, you may consider re-taking the exam in April, though I imagine you would be busy with schoolwork. Well, good work, everyone. That's it for the provisional licensing exam, you may all leave."

"That's good to know. You can re-take it pretty fast, Mizugumo." Midoriya nudged me with his elbow, and I startled. I wasn't expecting to be comforted.

"Oh, yeah, I guess."


Back at the dorms, nightfall.

I was sitting at a dining table in the far corner of the common area with Midoriya. A few feet from us, our classmates lingered about, conversing amongst themselves regarding today's memorable events.

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