Chapter 2

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After 1st period had passed we went over to 2nd period. Somebody named Keith Shadis was our teacher, he made us run around the track until we all fainted... Luckily after 2nd period, we all have lunch.

"Ugh, why did Mr Shadis make us run that much! I wish that I had some water right now!" Eren complained. As soon as he finished his sentence a swarm of girls came running towards him, holding their water bottles in the air.

Connie pulled my hand away from the crowd, making sure that I didn't get trampled. "This still happens? Whenever Eren says something out loud make sure to step away from him before you get killed!" Connie sighed and let go of my hand.

"The lunch line is opening! I'm going to go get my food, okay? Sit with us okay, Y/N?!" Sasha yelled out before running to the lunch line. I chuckled and crossed my arms.

"Hurry and get in the line before Eren says that he wants food and the swarm of girls start coming!" Connie snickers a bit and started walking towards the line.

"I'll get in soon, I'm going to go get Armin, he passed out after he ran one lap." I called out. Connie gave me a thumbs up and I started making my way out of the cafeteria.

When Mr Shadis told us to run until we passed out, Armin took it a little too literal... After the first lap Armin passed out, so Eren and Mikasa helped him back inside so he could drink some water. That was like an hour ago though.

As I walked the halls the only thing I heard was the sound of my shoes tapping the ground. It was silent, a little too silent for my liking...

"Armin? Where are you? Mikasa and Eren are looking for you!" I called out, trying to see if he would come out from a classroom.

I didn't hear any response from him, so I peeked into certain classrooms, trying to look for him. I did this for almost every classroom until I reached the rooftop.

"Get up you fucking weakling!" One guy yelled out. After he said that I heard some kicking and someone started grunting.

"Yeah, just get up for fucks sake. We didn't hit you that hard!" Another one called out.

I opened the door more, so I could see them and saw Armin on the ground, trying to wipe the blood away from his face.

"Armin?" I murmured, standing by the entrance, just watching them. The 2 boys turned around and started chuckling.

"Ooh, who's this? You're really pretty!" The first guy snickered and started making his way towards me.

He stood in front of me, looking down at me. "Why don't you be a good girl and act like you didn't see anything, okay?"

His friend turned around and his eyes widened. "T-Tanner! Let's just go, okay?!" His friend made his way over to us, tugging on his shirt.

"Huh? What are you, a pussy?! A little bitch isn't going to do shit to us!" The first guy snickered. His friend pulled him and stepped back a bit.

"You seriously don't know who that is?! She's the niece of Willy Tybur of the Tybur family! They could buy your whole family, let's just go, okay?!" The guy started pulling him and his friend back until they left the rooftop.

Once they left I made my way over to Armin, who was in horrible condition. "Jesus, Armin... You don't have a knife or anything you can use to stab the shit out of them?"

"I-I'm sorry, Y/N, I didn't mean for you to get dragged into this..." Armin whimpered, wiping away his tears and blood. I sighed and took a hair tie out of my pocket.

"Your hair is in your face and you're glasses are broken... Do you have contacts?" I asked him, tying his hair up.

He nodded and started standing up. While he was standing up I picked up some books he was carrying and his glasses. "Here, your books fel-..."

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