//Book 3// ~ Stranger Beside Me

Start from the beginning

"Thanks, boss. At The Times we were lucky if we got a legal pad." William says

"Didn't you say your wife was a lawyer?" Another reporter asks. "Shouldn't you have a house filled with legal pads?"

"Yeah. Right. Which just makes this all the more special." Willam says

"Now, for writing assignments, I need interesting takes." Andrea says. "Kara, you're on the fashion beat."

"Um... That's not really my style." Kara says

"Style?" Andrea scoffs. "Cute. You're witty. I thought it would be meta for you to cover the 'Who wore what?' to your Pulitzer party."

"I think I'd actually prefer to do something a little more Elitist?" Kara suggests

"Yes, we all know that you can do highbrow journalism." Andrea says. "I want to see how low you can go. It'll be good for you to stretch that muscle."

"Well, I'm always looking to stretch my craft." Kara says. "In fact, I, uh I may have a beat on a new senate candidate. Maybe I can get us an exclusive, have them announce their race on our website."

"That is a good story." Andrea says. "So, you know what I think? I think you should do both. But mine first. And I want it on my desk by lunch. Thank you."

"Um I actually don't know if I have time–" Kara tries but Andrea has already moved on

"Willow Greene." Andrea says, looking at Willow who was looking through the tablets. "Kara is going to need photos from the event, I trust you took some?"

"Uh, um..." Willow stammers

"Great." Andrea says. "Everyone, Willow Greene, our training photographer, can be used for any of your articles so feel free to use her skills." She tells the group. Her gaze land on Willow and Nia. "Since you two are a training team, I'm going to need a practice article done by the end of the way."

Nia and Willow share a look


"I'm sorry." Willow tells Nia as the two make their way through the hallway

"For what?" Nia asks as the two walk

"Andrea doesn't really know me yet and she's right, I'm still training but you should be above training." Willow says. "I'm sorry for bringing you down to my level."

"Down to your level?" Nia asks with a scoff, stopping in the hallway and Willow stops too. "Your level is not a downgrade." She tells Willow. "And I am so happy that we're training together. We're going to be the best photographer and writer team ever." She says with a smile

"Thanks." Willow whispers and Nia hugs her

"Just promise me that if the workload becomes too much, you'll ask for help?" Nia questions Willow. "I saw Rojas just dish you out to pretty much every reporter as the only available photographer."

"I promise." Willow says

"Come on." Nia says. "We have an article to finish by the end of the day." The two walk into their shared office and see a lot of sushi boxes on Nia's desk

"What is this?" Willow asks, looking at all the sushi

"Whoa. You have a bento box fort." Kara says from behind and the two girls look to see her in the doorway

"Yup, yeah, I do." Nia says

"Can I have some?" Kara asks. "I'm starving."

"Yes, please, take them all." Nia says. "I'm still stuffed from breakfast."

Willow Greene // Supergirl //Where stories live. Discover now