//Book 2// ~ Willow Week - Attacked Above Delaware

Start from the beginning

She would have hated herself for how long it was taking her to figure this out if she didn't feel like her brain was being ripped into two pieces. She could barely think enough to figure this out, the ringing sound taking up most of her focus and energy. But then...she rememebers. And not like how her photographic memory works to remember something. No, this feeling of remembering comes deep from within. And when the ringing softens slightly, Willow can hear a voice in her head. But it isn't her voice. And then, everything clicks and Willow Greene remembers how Base Ops used to communicate with their prized soldier 

Willow forces herself to her hands and knees, gasping for breath. Her eyes shoot open and her once green eyes are now a vibrant green, swirling with green color. Her eyes wildly search around, trying to land on something Alex and J'onn widen their eyes, staring at Willow's intense look 

"What's going on?" Brainy asks once again, his eyes still on the controls of the spaceship but his voice full of concern 

"Someone's... trying to..." Willow says through gasps of breath. "Someone's trying to communicate with me." She says


"Are you sure you're okay?" Alex asks Willow, handing her a bottle of water which she accepts 

"Yeah, I'm fine now." Willow tells Alex, taking a sip of water. "Head's fine. Ears aren't bleeding."

"What did you mean when you said someone was trying to communicate with you?" Alex asks, sitting next to Willow.

"When I first arrived in National City, I would get my orders through my mind." Willow says. "I have telekinesis, not telepathy, let's start there. But we have a saying in Base Ops that telekinesis is a form of mental magic." She explains...or tries to explain because Alex was trying to follow along. J'onn and Brainy were listening, both of them having about the same amout of luck as Alex to figure this out. "Through this mental magic, I have a link that I can be communicated through."

Alex, J'onn, and Brainy stare at Willow. "That made no sense." J'onn says

"Look, I don't know the science behind it--" Willow tries to defend

"I don't think there was science behind that." Brainy points out

"Are you saying you have like a psychic link?" Alex asks

"Kind of." Willow says. "It starts out as a ringing sound and slowly escalates in volume and pitch until I answer it."

"How do you answer it?" Alex asks 

"I have to be at a mirror or any reflective surface." Willow answers 

"That sounds like the worst possible way to communicate." J'onn grumbles, his arms crossed over his chest 

"It was how Base Ops did it." Willow says with a shrug. "It's how they made sure I would open the communication so that they could give me my mission. I rarely missed them because if I did..." She trails off

"What?" Alex asks. "What would happen if you missed them?" 

Willow clears her throat. "Repercussions." She answers shortly, her gaze steady on the ground and not noticing J'onn's look soften. "But enough on that." She says quickly and looks past the others to Brainy. "How much longer until we're there?"

"We just arrived." Brainy says, pushing the control forward as if to put the spaceship in park. "Hovering above Delaware right now."

"Great." J'onn says. "Let's get the team ready, go over the plan, and take to the ground." He tells Alex. "Let's--" But he is cut off because the ship shakes, lurching the group to the side and they all grab onto something. "What was that?" He questions, looking around as the lights spark and then go out

Brainy types on the console and then looks over at the group. "We're being attacked." He says 


"Who's attacking us?" Alex questions as the ship is hit with another explosion. "Are we not invisible?"

"We are invisible." Brainy tells her as the ship is thrown to the side once again by another explosion 

"Then who the hell is attacking us with explosives?" J'onn yells his question, grabbing onto a chair to steady himself   

Willow's heart pounds in her chest as she realizes, her blood going cold. "Base Ops." Willow speaks, looking around as the others look at them. "It's Base Ops. It's gotta be." 

"How do they know we're here?" Alex asks 

"Probably because of the kryptonetic girl we have on board." J'onn tells her 

"J'onn--" Alex starts 

"No, he's right." Willow says, looking at Alex. "They can probably sense my kryptonite on board the ship." She looks at J'onn. "We gotta go down there. Now."

"We can't." J'onn tells her. "We've lost the element of surprise. I'm not taking my team down there to be slaughtered."

"We have to save Marvin!" Willow pleads, her eyes widening in distress with tears

"It's a damn suic*de mission!" J'onn tells Willow as the ship gets hit again with another explosive. He looks at Brainy. "We have to retreat."

"No!" Willow yells to Brainy. She looks at J'onn. "You wanna retreat, fine. But I'm going down there because I have to save someone who means a lot to me." She says, pushing herself from the chair she was holding to steady herself. "If I'm off the ship, they won't attack. Brainy, get me an entrance point." 

"That is a horrible idea." Brainy tells her, flying the ship higher into the air and away from the explosives  

"Do you have a better one?" Willow asks 

"Actually, yes." Brainy says as the ship steadies in the air. There were no more explosions against the ship because they were too high in the air. The small group convenes in the middle. "We need to ditch the ship and take to the ground." He says

"Why on earth would we do that?" J'onn asks 

"Will's right." Brainy says. "We need to save Marvin and the only way we can do that is if we're on the ground." He explains and then he looks at Willow. "Do you have the amplifiers?" He asks her, putting his hand out 

"Yes." Willow says, pulling the amplifiers from her pockets and handing them over to Brainy 

"I can rewire these quickly." Brainy says, taking the devices apart and rewiring them 

"To do what?" Alex asks, watching  

"These work by amplifying Willow's kryptonite within her." Brainy says. "We've realized that combined with her power, she can turn herself invisible with the amplified kryptonite. But, in the opposite way, instead of an amplifier, I am making it into the reverse, almost like an inhibitor." He says as he puts the devices back together. "That way Willow's kryptonetic signature will be hidden and we..." He says, placing the devices on the sides of Willow's head and activating them. "...will have the element of surprise back."


Hope you liked the first chapter of Willow Week!! Make sure to vote and comment!! Next chapter up TOMORROW


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