What are you doing here? I thought you said you wouldn't be here right now. You got here pretty fast. Inola knew she sounded silly, it was his house and he could come when he wanted. But she felt like he had purposefully rushed from wherever he was to catch her before she left. She just got here.

I told you I'll be home later. I didn't say when later was. Our phone call was since 2:20, it's now 3:05. You were suppose to be in and out. But I see you snooping around my room. The room that doesn't hold your ring because I told you where it was. The ring you already put on your finger again. So why are you still here?

Inola just stared at him, she didn't have anything to say. He was right and she was wrong. Honestly she didn't know she was here so long. She just got carried away and the time slipped by her. French saw that he embarrassed her and that was the last of his intentions.

So how have you been?


How are the boys?

The one you put a gun to or the one that you told next time you'll let him drown in your backyard pool?

French clenched his jaws, he wasn't proud of his actions. He was in a dark space back then. His life had been going on a downward spiral and all these new people entering had triggered his anger and insecurities.

I'm sorry.

I bet.

French didn't expect to run into her. In reality it was only triggering his severe depression. It was only because of her, he hadn't killed himself yet. When she walked out of his life he went to a dark place. It was the thought of her one day returning to him, that kept him hanging by a string. But now seeing her here, knowing she was going to walk back out the door to another man. He didn't think after this he could stay on earth another day.

I've been miserable. French admitted, his eyes were starting to sting and irritate him. He didn't say why, but when they made eye contact they both knew. He wasn't trying to guilt trip her, he just wanted her to know.

I haven't, I've been quiet happy. Inola smiled.

No matter how many jabs she took at him, he would never disrespect her. He loved her too much to treat her anything less than. French cleared his throat and slowly nodded his head. He was blinking rapidly now, breathing in and out. He only wanted her gone because he couldn't stand to face her.

In fact I'm leaving right now to go back home to my children and fiancé. Who by the way makes me very happy and who I'm very in love with. He's the only man I love and have ever loved.

French's throat closed up faster than quicksand. His eyes looked deeper into her's with each word she spoke. Inola was surprised to see how red they had become. They glistened with tears and immediately she felt like a piece of shit. French slowly nodded his head, it was all he could keep doing.

A tear slid down his right eye, followed by another before his other eye started to produce the same. "Okay..." He whispered, that being the only thing he could say.

He turned from her and slowly walked away, sitting on his bed. He stared at the wall, chewing the inside of his cheek as he tried to stop himself from crying. It felt like someone had poisoned him and he was dying slowly. Her words crushed his heart to the core and he now knew he had nothing left to live for.

He placed his hands over his face and cried. French honestly thought she was gone. So he sat on the bed and let out all his emotions. Inola was shocked as she watched him. Her own eyes started to well with tears. She just broke this man. Uki left him and now so did Inola.

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