Lovely (Omega Levi x Alpha Reader)

Start from the beginning

Initially, you had been surprised by Anelise's status, since omegas typically didn't work at all – especially not after they were mated, and they especially didn't join the military. Of course, you personally were not against such things; you believed that omegas should be able to live and work like everyone else did. However, with the volatility of their heat cycles, most omegas found stay at home. If anything, they worked as receptionists or waiters at some respectable establishment – someplace that had a saferoom they could run to if they suddenly went into heat. And they took suppressors – drugs that stopped their pheromone production – so their scent wouldn't attract alphas.

Yet, despite the difficulty, Anelise seemed to be managing quite well. Being mated helped, because once an alpha had claimed an omega, their scent stayed with said omega – acting as a warning for all other alphas to stay away. And of course, Rin almost never left Anelise's side, displaying the trademark protective behavior of an alpha for their mate, and sometimes displaying an alpha's trademark overprotective behavior as well. In fact, you were pretty sure that Rin wouldn't have let you near Anelise if you didn't act so much like a mild, unthreatening beta.

After passing the night at your regular haunt, the three of you began your return journey to the barracks. Yet, as you strolled through the lamplit streets of Trost, chatting and laughing, something caught your attention.

"Hey, Rin..." you asked slowly, "you smell that, don't you?"

Rin sniffed the air, then immediately stiffened. "Yeah."

Your brow furrowed worriedly. The scent that now permeated the air was, unfortunately, very familiar to you. Somewhere nearby, an omega had just gone into heat.

"You and Anelise go on ahead," you instructed Rin. "I'm going to make sure everything's okay."

The other alpha nodded. "Be careful."

As your friends continued down the street, you took an adjacent one, following the scent to its source. You normally didn't like to stick your nose in other people's business, but it was so common for omegas to be molested that you felt like you had to check on this one. If they were with friends or a mate, you would leave it alone. But if they weren't...sometimes, a decent stranger willing to walk them home was a saving grace for an omega.

As you drew closer, the scent of pheromones grew stronger – so much so that it shocked you, because you had never observed an omega producing this much before. There was also a separate aroma that was incredibly sweet but unfamiliar to you. On top of that, you could smell another alpha nearby. It was possible that it was only the omega's mate, but you needed to be sure. So you kept going, all the way to a dimly lit, narrow side street.

You picked up on two male voices seconds before you rounded the corner.

"What are you doing? Get off, you pig!"

"It's alright, isn't it? You're an omega. You must be used to these things."

"No...I don't want..."

"Come on. It seems like you're suffering. I just want to help, so be a good boy and hold still."

"Hey!" you barked, sprinting around the corner and skidding to a stop mere feet away from them. You locked eyes with the alpha and gave him your most threatening glare as you growled, "He said no. So leave."

As usual, your unmatched dominance had the pig scurrying away with his tail between his legs – metaphorically speaking. You turned to the omega, who was still cowering against the wall, looking mussed and shaken, but otherwise unharmed. That was good. It seemed you had arrived in time.

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