The Power of the Hotel's Soulmate

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A crossover of:

"The Power of Consciousness"
by MidnightKoala ,

"Death in the Hotel"
by Birdsongfuzz


"The Soulmate Guide"
by Abeeha_32

Since we haven't done our special witch days for a while, I decided to treat both of you with Milith Day for Mia and Lilith!
I hope you enjoy the story ♥️
Love, Layla x


"Hello, welcome to the Classio! Can I take your name?" The receptionist is unfamiliar to Lisa; after all, it has been an entire year since she returned to that infamous hotel. A small, fluffy dog sits beside her, nuzzling her leg affectionately.

"Lisa Wu," she smiles. "I've been here before. That's a lovely dog you have there, by the way. What's its name?"

"Oh, thank you! He's called Achar. My little baby," the receptionist beams back as she lets Lisa pet the dog. "Oh, wait... did you say you're Lisa?! Melissa's told me all about you! All good things, of course. Well... actually... she did tell me about a time when you were being dumb and weren't ducking when you were about to be shot." The receptionist giggles.

"Ah, Melissa," Lisa replies. "She was lovely. I do miss that woman. And by the way, you tell anyone about the ducking thing and I'll rip out your organs and hang you by your intestines." Lisa gives her a sweet smile as the receptionist backs away nervously.

"O-oh okay, of course. I won't tell." A bead of sweat trickles down her forehead; Lisa stifles her laugh.

"So... uh, what brings you here?" the receptionist continues. "Most people don't even visit the Classio once. Visiting twice... that's completely unheard of."

"I'm actually here to meet someone. Blake Anderson?"

"Ah, Mr Anderson is on the fourth floor in room 452. Would you like me to take you there?"

"That's alright. I know my way around. Thank you."

Lisa bids farewell to the receptionist and her dog Achar and heads up the familiar elevator to the fourth floor, easily locating room 452. She knocks tentatively and waits a few seconds before a young man opens the door.

"Hi..." the man starts. "Are you Lisa?"

"That's me. Nice to meet you, Blake." She extends her hand for a handshake.

"Come inside. We have a lot to talk about."

Blake guides Lisa into the room and shuts the door silently. He motions for her to take a seat on the sofa while he makes himself comfortable on the chair.

"So, Blake," Lisa starts. "Why did you make me book a flight, drop everything in my life and come back to this wretched hotel within a moment's notice? What was so important?"

"It's a long story. I-I found a magical guide. It's called The Soulmate Guide. It gave me clues about my soulmate and helped me to find her."

"Yeah, and Santa Claus is a serial killer," Lisa retorts, rolling her eyes. "Stop messing around with me, Blake."

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