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The boys were sat down in the lobby as Ms. Nicole screamed her head off at them. "Sneaking out, beating up campers, destroying someone else's property, this is not okay! I would be expelling you from camp but for some reason, Mojo Jojo is funding a lot of things for this camp and we need him to continue doing so. If any of you boys have ONE more offense, I will not hesitate to expel you from my camp! Personally, this goes against my moral code. You broke one camper's hand, nose, and arm. You fractured a kid's skull (the volleyball incident). You broke a kid's cheekbone. The list goes on and on! And don't get me started on your rude behaviors!-".

(Meanwhile on the basketball court)

"I hope they don't get in too much trouble," Bubbles stated in a sad voice. "Serves them right! They put my brother in the hospital!" James exclaimed. "Jordan shouldn't have touched me without my permission," Buttercup spat. "What if they get expelled from the camp?" Sheila asked. Everyone stayed silent. "They should've let us tell the truth. We snuck out too," Blossom sighed. "I don't understand why they took the fall for you girls," Morebucks spat. "I don't know what they see in you." The girls glared at Morebucks and she immediately shut up. They were clearly not in the mood. Just then, the boys walked out to the basketball court. Bubbles jumped off the bleachers and ran into Boomer's arms. "You guys are still here!" Bubbles exclaimed. "What are you talking about, Bubbles?" Boomer asked while hugging back. "We all thought you guys were gonna get expelled from camp," Sheila explained. "She can't lay a finger on us," Butch bragged in a cocky voice. "What do you mean?" Blossom asked. "The camp needs our father's funding to stay afloat. SO she has to keep us here. But we only have one more chance," Brick explained. "Though she did shatter my eardrums with her shrieking," Boomer chimed while rubbing his ears. Everyone laughed at his comment. "I can't believe Bubbles and Boomer are a thing now! You guys are so cute together!" Robin exclaimed. Bubbles and Boomer looked terrified at her. "How did you find out?!" Bubbles exclaimed. "You guys are my ship. I always know," Robin answered in a cocky voice. "Plus you guys have made it pretty obvious. Boomer is holding your waist as we speak." Bubbles looked down and saw Boomer's hand around her waist. She blushed and Boomer blushed. "I can't wait til we leave this place tomorrow," Buttercup chimed. "Same," Sheila agreed. Buttercup and Sheila were tight. They both were the "bad girls" and were best friends at that. And ironically they met in a fight. "I never thought I'd miss that camp so much," Brick added. Suddenly, Ms. Nicole came running out to the basketball court with an excited voice. "Pack your bags kids! The bus is done! They finished a day early!" Ms. Nicole exclaimed. Everyone jumped up off the bleachers. "I should wish for things more often!" Buttercup exclaimed. "Let's get outta this sh*thole!" Butch exclaimed. Everyone cheered and ran into the hotel, causing a stampede.


𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐏, 𝐩𝐩𝐠 𝐱 𝐫𝐫𝐛Where stories live. Discover now