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It was 12:00 pm and everyone was back out on that basketball court. "So what are we gonna do today?" Sheila asked. "More basketball?" Boomer asked. "Nah we did that yesterday," Buttercup dismissed. Everyone started thinking of things to do, when Bubbles chimed, "Truth or Dare?" "Yeah let's do that!" Robin exclaimed. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. "So who's gonna ask first?" Butch asked. "I got one," Brick chimed. All eyes went on Brick. "Butch, truth or dare?" "Dare!" Butch answered. "I dare you to flip off the next car that passes," Brick told him nonchalantly. "Bet!" Butch exclaimed. He walked up to the sidewalk and saw a car coming in the distance. He waited until it got close and then flipped it off with both hands. The car honked and an old woman shouted, "how dare you?! You hooligan!" Butch walked back to the group and all the boys there were laughing their heads off. "That was hilarious!" Boomer laughs. All the girls were just rolling their eyes. "Alright now Butch has to ask someone," Robin explains. Butch surveyed all the faces and he landed on Buttercup's. "Buttercup," He started. Buttercup groaned. "Truth or Dare?" "Dare," She answered. "I dare you to compliment me," Butch said in a smug voice. Buttercup sighed. "Whatever. You aren't as annoying," She answered. "God that pained me so much." Everyone started snickering and Butch's smirk faded. "Aww. Why you gotta do me like that, ButterBabe?" Butch taunted. Buttercup blushed and exclaimed, "Don't call me ButterBabe!" "Just ask the next person, Buttercup!" Blossom exclaimed. Buttercup rolled her eyes. "Bubbles, truth or dare?" Buttercup asked. "Truth!" Bubbles exclaimed happily. "Tell us something you've never told anyone," Buttercup demanded. All eyes were on Bubbles and she gulped. "I-I got in a fight once," Bubbles mumbled. Everyone's eyes were wide in shock. "Bubbles getting into a fight?! Now I've seen everything," Butch gasped. "Let's just drop it, okay?" Bubbles mumbled. "Blossom, truth or dare?" "Truth," Blossom answered. "Tell us a hidden talent you have," Bubbles demanded. All eyes were on Blossom and she blushed in embarrassment. "I-I sing in my free time," Blossom mumbles. "Really?" Butch asks. "Cause baseball cap over there sings, too." Butch points at Brick and all eyes go on him. "You sing?!" Everyone exclaimed in unison. Brick blushes in embarrassment and socks Butch in the arm. "OW! What?!" Butch exclaimed. "This game is getting boring," Brick said in a monotone voice. "Yea, Imma go too," Boomer agreed. Everyone got up and walked back to their rooms.


𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐏, 𝐩𝐩𝐠 𝐱 𝐫𝐫𝐛Where stories live. Discover now