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Blossom was getting ready to go out with her sisters to the club. Now usually, it's not like herself to sneak out but she has been cooped up in this hotel and that basketball court so, the girl's a little stir crazy. She puts on her favorite rose gold dress and rose gold high heels. She puts on some rose gold makeup and brushes her hair. Blossom tiptoes out the bathroom, out the front door, down the stairwell, and out in front of the hotel where her sisters are waiting for her. "What took you so long?" Buttercup asked. Buttercup was wearing a neon green cocktail dress with black high heels and neon green makeup. "Yeah, where were you?" Bubbles asked. Bubbles was wearing a baby blue cocktail dress with white high heels. She had on light blue makeup and her hair was out of their usual pigtails. "I'm here now so let's go party," Blossom answered. The girls nodded their heads and walked to the club down the street.

(Time Skip: Ten Minutes)

They got into the club and the music was blaring. Everyone was dancing and talking to each other. "Wanna go to the bar, girls?" Blossom asked. "Yeah!" They both exclaimed in unison. Blossom smiled and they walked over to the bar. "One pink lemonade, please," Blossom asked. "One lemonade, please," Bubbles asked. "One Pepsi, please," Buttercup asked. The bartender nodded his head and started getting the drinks. Just then, three RowdyRuff Boys walked over to them at the bar. "What are you girls doing here?" Butch asked. "We should be asking the same thing," Blossom stated. "We asked first," Brick demanded. "Two is more than one," Bubbles chimed. Everyone snickered. "We're here to party. We needed to get away from that damn hotel," Boomer explained. "We're here for the same thing. Now leave us alone," Buttercup spat. "Not a chance, ButterBabe," Butch taunted. Buttercup rolled her eyes as the boys sat next to their counterparts. Brick was mesmerized at how amazing Blossom looked in her rose gold outfit. Brick was starting to notice more and more that he was developing feelings for the leader of the PowerPuffs. "Take a picture, it'll last longer," Blossom sneered while sipping her pink lemonade. "Sorry, left my camera at home," Brick replied. Blossom blushed and continued to sip her lemonade. "So how come you jumped up when I dunked the ball in the basketball game?" Brick asked. Blossom blushed. "That depends, how come you were dazed by me winking at you?" Blossom replied. "Are you ever gonna give me a straightforward answer?" Brick asked while lightly chuckling. "Are you ever gonna give me a straightforward question?" Blossom replied. "You really are something," Brick lightly laughed. "What's that supposed to mean?" Blossom asked looking straight into Brick's eyes. Brick blushed and began to stutter. "I know what you're doing, Brick," Blossom interrupted. Brick froze in his place. Does she know about my feelings?! Was I that obvious?! What's she gonna say about it?! Brick thought. "I know how you feel about me and I'm pretty sure I feel the same way. But I need to really find out before I commit. So just know that I like you too," Blossom explained. "Now I'm gonna go dance." She got up and pecked a dazed Brick on the cheek before going onto the dancefloor. She's known. All this time she's known. And she's thinking about it! WHOO HOO! Brick felt like he could do anything and decided that he was gonna go dance too.


Butch sat down next to Buttercup and just stared at her for a minute. She looked amazing. The way the neon green looked against her skin, and how her makeup emphasized the emerald green in her eyes. "Quit staring, Butch," Buttercup spat. Butch snapped out of it and smirked. "Sorry, ButterBabe. You're just so beautiful in that dress," Butch replied. Buttercup blushes like a tomato. She turned to him and got up into his face so that their noses were inches apart. "What are you doing to me?" Buttercup asked in a dark voice. "What are you talking about?" Butch asked in a fearful voice. "You're making me feel like I have butterflies in my stomach, you keep making my face hot, and every time you compliment me it makes me happy. What are you doing to me?" Buttercup asked in a dark voice. Butch blushed. I make her feel that way? Butch thought. "Don't hit me when I say this but I think you might like me?" Butch mumbled. "Impossible," Buttercup replied. "I-." Buttercup was interrupted by Butch kissing her. I had a nice life. Butch thought. Butch pulled away and was preparing for anything. Buttercup sat there for a second before slapping him in the face (not that hard though but enough to startle him) and mumbling, "That felt kinda nice." She checked his cheek to make sure it was okay and then walked out to the dance floor. What just happened? Butch thought before snapping himself out of it and running behind her to the dance floor.


Boomer sat down next to Bubbles and was completely gawking at her. He had never seen her hair down before or her all dressed up like this. "Umm Boomer?" Bubbles started, Boomer snapped out of it and looked at Bubbles in confusion. "You're staring at me." Boomer blushed like a beat and froze in his place out of embarrassment. Only being able to muster the words, "I'm sorry." Bubbles giggled and took a sip of her lemonade. "Boomer, I've been meaning to tell you something," Bubbles started in a serious voice. Boomer looked at her in fear. Did she find out about my feelings? Am I the guy she was dreaming about? Boomer thought. "I have a crush on you, Boomer Jojo. I kinda have since childhood but that's beside the point. You don't have to like me back but I just had to get it off my chest before-." She was interrupted by Boomer kissing her. He pulled away and smiled at dazed Bubbles. "I have a crush on you too, Bubbles Utonium," Boomer replied. Bubbles gave a big smile and hugged Boomer tight. "So are we a thing or?" Boomer asked. Bubbles pulled out of the hug. "I guess we are," Bubbles smiled. She was absolutely thrilled. She jumped out of her seat and dragged Boomer to the dance floor.


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